.PHONY: clean clean-test clean-pyc clean-build docs help .DEFAULT_GOAL := help define BROWSER_PYSCRIPT import os, webbrowser, sys from urllib.request import pathname2url webbrowser.open("file://" + pathname2url(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]))) endef export BROWSER_PYSCRIPT define PRINT_HELP_PYSCRIPT import re, sys for line in sys.stdin: match = re.match(r'^([a-zA-Z_-]+):.*?## (.*)$$', line) if match: target, help = match.groups() print("%-20s %s" % (target, help)) endef export PRINT_HELP_PYSCRIPT BROWSER := python -c "$$BROWSER_PYSCRIPT" help: @python -c "$$PRINT_HELP_PYSCRIPT" < $(MAKEFILE_LIST) clean: clean-build clean-pyc clean-test ## remove all build, test, coverage and Python artifacts clean-build: ## remove build artifacts rm -fr build/ rm -fr dist/ rm -fr .eggs/ find . -name '*.egg-info' -exec rm -fr {} + find . -name '*.egg' -exec rm -f {} + clean-pyc: ## remove Python file artifacts find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} + find . -name '__pycache__' -exec rm -fr {} + clean-test: ## remove test and coverage artifacts rm -fr .tox/ rm -f .coverage rm -fr htmlcov/ rm -fr .pytest_cache lint: ## check style with flake8 flake8 fuseiontranscode tests test: ## run tests quickly with the default Python pytest test-all: ## run tests on every Python version with tox tox coverage: ## check code coverage quickly with the default Python coverage run --source fuseiontranscode -m pytest coverage report -m coverage html $(BROWSER) htmlcov/index.html docs: ## generate Sphinx HTML documentation, including API docs rm -f docs/fuseiontranscode.rst rm -f docs/modules.rst sphinx-apidoc -o docs/ fuseiontranscode $(MAKE) -C docs clean $(MAKE) -C docs html $(BROWSER) docs/_build/html/index.html servedocs: docs ## compile the docs watching for changes watchmedo shell-command -p '*.rst' -c '$(MAKE) -C docs html' -R -D . release: dist ## package and upload a release twine upload dist/* dist: clean ## builds source and wheel package python setup.py sdist python setup.py bdist_wheel ls -l dist install: clean ## install the package to the active Python's site-packages python setup.py install