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synced 2025-03-27 21:18:55 +00:00
* Resolve paths before checking app identity Commands entered with a path do not match is_app. I encountered this when working with a test for the rm_dir rule. This rule did not use the @for_app decorator, but when I migrated it, the test for "./bin/hdfs.." failed because 'hdfs' was recognized as a command, while "./bin/hdfs" was not. This commit addresses the false negative by resolving path names in the command, via os.path.basename. * Remove paths from for_app invocations in rules I presume that the `./` in `./gradlew` was used here because thefuck would not find an app match on just `gradlew`, and thus no fucks would be given on the most common and idiomatic way of invoking gradlew. After 8faf9b1, thefuck does not distinguish between commands with paths and those without. Therefore, the tests for this rule are now broken because thefuck strips paths from the _user_'s command, but not from the for_app decoration. This commit addresses that problem by changing the for_app decoration to this rule.
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277 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pytest
import warnings
from mock import Mock, call, patch
from thefuck.utils import default_settings, \
memoize, get_closest, get_all_executables, replace_argument, \
get_all_matched_commands, is_app, for_app, cache, \
get_valid_history_without_current, _cache, get_close_matches
from thefuck.types import Command
@pytest.mark.parametrize('override, old, new', [
({'key': 'val'}, {}, {'key': 'val'}),
({'key': 'new-val'}, {'key': 'val'}, {'key': 'val'}),
({'key': 'new-val', 'unset': 'unset'}, {'key': 'val'}, {'key': 'val', 'unset': 'unset'})])
def test_default_settings(settings, override, old, new):
default_settings(override)(lambda _: _)(None)
assert settings == new
def test_memoize():
fn = Mock(__name__='fn')
memoized = memoize(fn)
def test_no_memoize():
fn = Mock(__name__='fn')
memoized = memoize(fn)
assert fn.call_count == 2
class TestGetClosest(object):
def test_when_can_match(self):
assert 'branch' == get_closest('brnch', ['branch', 'status'])
def test_when_cant_match(self):
assert 'status' == get_closest('st', ['status', 'reset'])
def test_without_fallback(self):
assert get_closest('st', ['status', 'reset'],
fallback_to_first=False) is None
class TestGetCloseMatches(object):
def test_call_with_n(self, difflib_mock):
get_close_matches('', [], 1)
assert difflib_mock.call_args[0][2] == 1
def test_call_without_n(self, difflib_mock, settings):
get_close_matches('', [])
assert difflib_mock.call_args[0][2] == settings.get('num_close_matches')
def get_aliases(mocker):
return_value=['vim', 'apt-get', 'fsck', 'fuck'])
@pytest.mark.usefixtures('no_memoize', 'get_aliases')
def test_get_all_executables():
all_callables = get_all_executables()
assert 'vim' in all_callables
assert 'fsck' in all_callables
assert 'fuck' not in all_callables
def os_environ_pathsep(monkeypatch, path, pathsep):
env = {'PATH': path}
monkeypatch.setattr('os.environ', env)
monkeypatch.setattr('os.pathsep', pathsep)
return env
@pytest.mark.usefixtures('no_memoize', 'os_environ_pathsep')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('path, pathsep', [
('/foo:/bar:/baz:/foo/bar', ':'),
(r'C:\\foo;C:\\bar;C:\\baz;C:\\foo\\bar', ';')])
def test_get_all_executables_pathsep(path, pathsep):
with patch('thefuck.utils.Path') as Path_mock:
Path_mock.assert_has_calls([call(p) for p in path.split(pathsep)], True)
@pytest.mark.usefixtures('no_memoize', 'os_environ_pathsep')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('path, pathsep, excluded', [
('/foo:/bar:/baz:/foo/bar:/mnt/foo', ':', '/mnt/foo'),
(r'C:\\foo;C:\\bar;C:\\baz;C:\\foo\\bar;Z:\\foo', ';', r'Z:\\foo')])
def test_get_all_executables_exclude_paths(path, pathsep, excluded, settings):
settings.excluded_search_path_prefixes = [excluded]
with patch('thefuck.utils.Path') as Path_mock:
path_list = path.split(pathsep)
assert call(path_list[-1]) not in Path_mock.mock_calls
assert all(call(p) in Path_mock.mock_calls for p in path_list[:-1])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args, result', [
(('apt-get instol vim', 'instol', 'install'), 'apt-get install vim'),
(('git brnch', 'brnch', 'branch'), 'git branch')])
def test_replace_argument(args, result):
assert replace_argument(*args) == result
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stderr, result', [
(("git: 'cone' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.\n"
'Did you mean one of these?\n'
'\tclone'), ['clone']),
(("git: 're' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.\n"
'Did you mean one of these?\n'
'\trm'), ['rebase', 'reset', 'grep', 'rm']),
(('tsuru: "target" is not a tsuru command. See "tsuru help".\n'
'Did you mean one of these?\n'
'\tservice-unbind'), ['service-add', 'service-bind', 'service-doc',
'service-info', 'service-list', 'service-remove',
'service-status', 'service-unbind'])])
def test_get_all_matched_commands(stderr, result):
assert list(get_all_matched_commands(stderr)) == result
@pytest.mark.parametrize('script, names, result', [
('/usr/bin/git diff', ['git', 'hub'], True),
('/bin/hdfs dfs -rm foo', ['hdfs'], True),
('git diff', ['git', 'hub'], True),
('hub diff', ['git', 'hub'], True),
('hg diff', ['git', 'hub'], False)])
def test_is_app(script, names, result):
assert is_app(Command(script, ''), *names) == result
@pytest.mark.parametrize('script, names, result', [
('/usr/bin/git diff', ['git', 'hub'], True),
('/bin/hdfs dfs -rm foo', ['hdfs'], True),
('git diff', ['git', 'hub'], True),
('hub diff', ['git', 'hub'], True),
('hg diff', ['git', 'hub'], False)])
def test_for_app(script, names, result):
def match(command):
return True
assert match(Command(script, '')) == result
class TestCache(object):
def shelve(self, mocker):
value = {}
class _Shelve(object):
def __init__(self, path):
def __setitem__(self, k, v):
value[k] = v
def __getitem__(self, k):
return value[k]
def get(self, k, v=None):
return value.get(k, v)
def close(self):
mocker.patch('thefuck.utils.shelve.open', new_callable=lambda: _Shelve)
return value
def enable_cache(self, monkeypatch, shelve):
monkeypatch.setattr('thefuck.utils.cache.disabled', False)
def mtime(self, mocker):
mocker.patch('thefuck.utils.os.path.getmtime', return_value=0)
def fn(self):
def fn():
return 'test'
return fn
def key(self, monkeypatch):
lambda *_: 'key')
return 'key'
def test_with_blank_cache(self, shelve, fn, key):
assert shelve == {}
assert fn() == 'test'
assert shelve == {key: {'etag': '0', 'value': 'test'}}
def test_with_filled_cache(self, shelve, fn, key):
cache_value = {key: {'etag': '0', 'value': 'new-value'}}
assert fn() == 'new-value'
assert shelve == cache_value
def test_when_etag_changed(self, shelve, fn, key):
shelve.update({key: {'etag': '-1', 'value': 'old-value'}})
assert fn() == 'test'
assert shelve == {key: {'etag': '0', 'value': 'test'}}
class TestGetValidHistoryWithoutCurrent(object):
def fail_on_warning(self):
def history(self, mocker):
mock = mocker.patch('thefuck.shells.shell.get_history')
# Passing as an argument causes `UnicodeDecodeError`
# with newer py.test and python 2.7
mock.return_value = ['le cat', 'fuck', 'ls cat',
'diff x', 'nocommand x', u'café ô']
return mock
def alias(self, mocker):
return mocker.patch('thefuck.utils.get_alias',
def bins(self, mocker):
callables = list()
for name in ['diff', 'ls', 'café']:
bin_mock = mocker.Mock(name=name)
bin_mock.configure_mock(name=name, is_dir=lambda: False)
path_mock = mocker.Mock(iterdir=mocker.Mock(return_value=callables))
return mocker.patch('thefuck.utils.Path', return_value=path_mock)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('script, result', [
('le cat', ['ls cat', 'diff x', u'café ô']),
('diff x', ['ls cat', u'café ô']),
('fuck', ['ls cat', 'diff x', u'café ô']),
(u'cafe ô', ['ls cat', 'diff x', u'café ô']),
def test_get_valid_history_without_current(self, script, result):
command = Command(script, '')
assert get_valid_history_without_current(command) == result