import pytest from thefuck import shells @pytest.fixture def builtins_open(mocker): return mocker.patch('') @pytest.fixture def isfile(mocker): return mocker.patch('os.path.isfile', return_value=True) @pytest.fixture @pytest.mark.usefixtures('isfile') def history_lines(mocker): def aux(lines): mock = mocker.patch('') mock.return_value.__enter__\ .return_value.__iter__.return_value = lines return aux class TestGeneric(object): @pytest.fixture def shell(self): return shells.Generic() def test_from_shell(self, shell): assert shell.from_shell('pwd') == 'pwd' def test_to_shell(self, shell): assert shell.to_shell('pwd') == 'pwd' def test_put_to_history(self, builtins_open, shell): assert shell.put_to_history('ls') is None assert builtins_open.call_count == 0 def test_and_(self, shell): assert shell.and_('ls', 'cd') == 'ls && cd' def test_get_aliases(self, shell): assert shell.get_aliases() == {} def test_app_alias(self, shell): assert 'alias fuck' in shell.app_alias('fuck') assert 'alias FUCK' in shell.app_alias('FUCK') assert 'thefuck' in shell.app_alias('fuck') assert 'TF_ALIAS' in shell.app_alias('fuck') def test_get_history(self, history_lines, shell): history_lines(['ls', 'rm']) # We don't know what to do in generic shell with history lines, # so just ignore them: assert list(shell.get_history()) == [] @pytest.mark.usefixtures('isfile') class TestBash(object): @pytest.fixture def shell(self): return shells.Bash() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def Popen(self, mocker): mock = mocker.patch('thefuck.shells.Popen') = ( b'alias fuck=\'eval $(thefuck $(fc -ln -1))\'\n' b'alias l=\'ls -CF\'\n' b'alias la=\'ls -A\'\n' b'alias ll=\'ls -alF\'') return mock @pytest.mark.parametrize('before, after', [ ('pwd', 'pwd'), ('fuck', 'eval $(thefuck $(fc -ln -1))'), ('awk', 'awk'), ('ll', 'ls -alF')]) def test_from_shell(self, before, after, shell): assert shell.from_shell(before) == after def test_to_shell(self, shell): assert shell.to_shell('pwd') == 'pwd' def test_put_to_history(self, builtins_open, shell): shell.put_to_history('ls') builtins_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value. \ write.assert_called_once_with('ls\n') def test_and_(self, shell): assert shell.and_('ls', 'cd') == 'ls && cd' def test_get_aliases(self, shell): assert shell.get_aliases() == {'fuck': 'eval $(thefuck $(fc -ln -1))', 'l': 'ls -CF', 'la': 'ls -A', 'll': 'ls -alF'} def test_app_alias(self, shell): assert 'alias fuck' in shell.app_alias('fuck') assert 'alias FUCK' in shell.app_alias('FUCK') assert 'thefuck' in shell.app_alias('fuck') assert 'TF_ALIAS' in shell.app_alias('fuck') def test_get_history(self, history_lines, shell): history_lines(['ls', 'rm']) assert list(shell.get_history()) == ['ls', 'rm'] @pytest.mark.usefixtures('isfile') class TestFish(object): @pytest.fixture def shell(self): return shells.Fish() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def Popen(self, mocker): mock = mocker.patch('thefuck.shells.Popen') = ( b'cd\nfish_config\nfuck\nfunced\nfuncsave\ngrep\nhistory\nll\nls\n' b'man\nmath\npopd\npushd\nruby') return mock @pytest.fixture def environ(self, monkeypatch): data = {'TF_OVERRIDDEN_ALIASES': 'cd, ls, man, open'} monkeypatch.setattr('thefuck.shells.os.environ', data) return data @pytest.mark.usefixture('environ') def test_get_overridden_aliases(self, shell, environ): assert shell._get_overridden_aliases() == ['cd', 'ls', 'man', 'open'] @pytest.mark.parametrize('before, after', [ ('cd', 'cd'), ('pwd', 'pwd'), ('fuck', 'fish -ic "fuck"'), ('find', 'find'), ('funced', 'fish -ic "funced"'), ('grep', 'grep'), ('awk', 'awk'), ('math "2 + 2"', r'fish -ic "math \"2 + 2\""'), ('man', 'man'), ('open', 'open'), ('vim', 'vim'), ('ll', 'fish -ic "ll"'), ('ls', 'ls')]) # Fish has no aliases but functions def test_from_shell(self, before, after, shell): assert shell.from_shell(before) == after def test_to_shell(self, shell): assert shell.to_shell('pwd') == 'pwd' def test_put_to_history(self, builtins_open, mocker, shell): mocker.patch('thefuck.shells.time', return_value=1430707243.3517463) shell.put_to_history('ls') builtins_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value. \ write.assert_called_once_with('- cmd: ls\n when: 1430707243\n') def test_and_(self, shell): assert shell.and_('foo', 'bar') == 'foo; and bar' def test_get_aliases(self, shell): assert shell.get_aliases() == {'fish_config': 'fish_config', 'fuck': 'fuck', 'funced': 'funced', 'funcsave': 'funcsave', 'history': 'history', 'll': 'll', 'math': 'math', 'popd': 'popd', 'pushd': 'pushd', 'ruby': 'ruby'} def test_app_alias(self, shell): assert 'function fuck' in shell.app_alias('fuck') assert 'function FUCK' in shell.app_alias('FUCK') assert 'thefuck' in shell.app_alias('fuck') assert 'TF_ALIAS' in shell.app_alias('fuck') @pytest.mark.usefixtures('isfile') class TestZsh(object): @pytest.fixture def shell(self): return shells.Zsh() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def Popen(self, mocker): mock = mocker.patch('thefuck.shells.Popen') = ( b'fuck=\'eval $(thefuck $(fc -ln -1 | tail -n 1))\'\n' b'l=\'ls -CF\'\n' b'la=\'ls -A\'\n' b'll=\'ls -alF\'') return mock @pytest.mark.parametrize('before, after', [ ('fuck', 'eval $(thefuck $(fc -ln -1 | tail -n 1))'), ('pwd', 'pwd'), ('ll', 'ls -alF')]) def test_from_shell(self, before, after, shell): assert shell.from_shell(before) == after def test_to_shell(self, shell): assert shell.to_shell('pwd') == 'pwd' def test_put_to_history(self, builtins_open, mocker, shell): mocker.patch('thefuck.shells.time', return_value=1430707243.3517463) shell.put_to_history('ls') builtins_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value. \ write.assert_called_once_with(': 1430707243:0;ls\n') def test_and_(self, shell): assert shell.and_('ls', 'cd') == 'ls && cd' def test_get_aliases(self, shell): assert shell.get_aliases() == { 'fuck': 'eval $(thefuck $(fc -ln -1 | tail -n 1))', 'l': 'ls -CF', 'la': 'ls -A', 'll': 'ls -alF'} def test_app_alias(self, shell): assert 'alias fuck' in shell.app_alias('fuck') assert 'alias FUCK' in shell.app_alias('FUCK') assert 'thefuck' in shell.app_alias('fuck') assert 'TF_ALIAS' in shell.app_alias('fuck') def test_get_history(self, history_lines, shell): history_lines([': 1432613911:0;ls', ': 1432613916:0;rm']) assert list(shell.get_history()) == ['ls', 'rm']