#!/bin/sh should_add_alias () { [ -f $1 ] && ! grep -q thefuck $1 } installed () { hash $1 2>/dev/null } # Install os dependencies: if installed apt-get; then # Debian/ubuntu: sudo apt-get update -yy sudo apt-get install -yy python-pip python-dev command-not-found if [[ -n $(apt-cache search python-commandnotfound) ]]; then # In case of different python versions: sudo apt-get install -yy python-commandnotfound fi else if installed brew; then # OS X: brew update brew install python else # Genreic way: wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py sudo python get-pip.py rm get-pip.py fi fi # thefuck requires fresh versions of setuptools and pip: sudo pip install -U pip setuptools sudo pip install -U thefuck # Setup aliases: if should_add_alias ~/.bashrc; then echo 'eval $(thefuck --alias)' >> ~/.bashrc fi if should_add_alias ~/.bash_profile; then echo 'eval $(thefuck --alias)' >> ~/.bash_profile fi if should_add_alias ~/.zshrc; then echo 'eval $(thefuck --alias)' >> ~/.zshrc fi if should_add_alias ~/.config/fish/config.fish; then thefuck --alias >> ~/.config/fish/config.fish fi if should_add_alias ~/.tcshrc; then echo 'eval `thefuck --alias`' >> ~/.tcshrc fi