import pytest from mock import Mock import six from thefuck.utils import default_settings, \ memoize, get_closest, get_all_executables, replace_argument, \ get_all_matched_commands, is_app, for_app, cache, compatibility_call, \ get_valid_history_without_current from tests.utils import Command @pytest.mark.parametrize('override, old, new', [ ({'key': 'val'}, {}, {'key': 'val'}), ({'key': 'new-val'}, {'key': 'val'}, {'key': 'val'}), ({'key': 'new-val', 'unset': 'unset'}, {'key': 'val'}, {'key': 'val', 'unset': 'unset'})]) def test_default_settings(settings, override, old, new): settings.clear() settings.update(old) fn = lambda _: _ default_settings(override)(fn)(None) assert settings == new def test_memoize(): fn = Mock(__name__='fn') memoized = memoize(fn) memoized() memoized() fn.assert_called_once_with() @pytest.mark.usefixtures('no_memoize') def test_no_memoize(): fn = Mock(__name__='fn') memoized = memoize(fn) memoized() memoized() assert fn.call_count == 2 class TestGetClosest(object): def test_when_can_match(self): assert 'branch' == get_closest('brnch', ['branch', 'status']) def test_when_cant_match(self): assert 'status' == get_closest('st', ['status', 'reset']) def test_without_fallback(self): assert get_closest('st', ['status', 'reset'], fallback_to_first=False) is None @pytest.fixture def get_aliases(mocker): mocker.patch('', return_value=['vim', 'apt-get', 'fsck', 'fuck']) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('no_memoize', 'get_aliases') def test_get_all_executables(): all_callables = get_all_executables() assert 'vim' in all_callables assert 'fsck' in all_callables assert 'fuck' not in all_callables @pytest.mark.parametrize('args, result', [ (('apt-get instol vim', 'instol', 'install'), 'apt-get install vim'), (('git brnch', 'brnch', 'branch'), 'git branch')]) def test_replace_argument(args, result): assert replace_argument(*args) == result @pytest.mark.parametrize('stderr, result', [ (("git: 'cone' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.\n" '\n' 'Did you mean one of these?\n' '\tclone'), ['clone']), (("git: 're' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.\n" '\n' 'Did you mean one of these?\n' '\trebase\n' '\treset\n' '\tgrep\n' '\trm'), ['rebase', 'reset', 'grep', 'rm']), (('tsuru: "target" is not a tsuru command. See "tsuru help".\n' '\n' 'Did you mean one of these?\n' '\tservice-add\n' '\tservice-bind\n' '\tservice-doc\n' '\tservice-info\n' '\tservice-list\n' '\tservice-remove\n' '\tservice-status\n' '\tservice-unbind'), ['service-add', 'service-bind', 'service-doc', 'service-info', 'service-list', 'service-remove', 'service-status', 'service-unbind'])]) def test_get_all_matched_commands(stderr, result): assert list(get_all_matched_commands(stderr)) == result @pytest.mark.usefixtures('no_memoize') @pytest.mark.parametrize('script, names, result', [ ('git diff', ['git', 'hub'], True), ('hub diff', ['git', 'hub'], True), ('hg diff', ['git', 'hub'], False)]) def test_is_app(script, names, result): assert is_app(Command(script), *names) == result @pytest.mark.usefixtures('no_memoize') @pytest.mark.parametrize('script, names, result', [ ('git diff', ['git', 'hub'], True), ('hub diff', ['git', 'hub'], True), ('hg diff', ['git', 'hub'], False)]) def test_for_app(script, names, result): @for_app(*names) def match(command): return True assert match(Command(script)) == result class TestCache(object): @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def enable_cache(self, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr('thefuck.utils.cache.disabled', False) @pytest.fixture def shelve(self, mocker): value = {} class _Shelve(object): def __init__(self, path): pass def __setitem__(self, k, v): value[k] = v def __getitem__(self, k): return value[k] def get(self, k, v=None): return value.get(k, v) def close(self): return mocker.patch('', new_callable=lambda: _Shelve) return value @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def mtime(self, mocker): mocker.patch('thefuck.utils.os.path.getmtime', return_value=0) @pytest.fixture def fn(self): @cache('~/.bashrc') def fn(): return 'test' return fn @pytest.fixture def key(self): if six.PY2: return 'tests.test_utils..fn ' def test_with_blank_cache(self, shelve, fn, key): assert shelve == {} assert fn() == 'test' assert shelve == {key: {'etag': '0', 'value': 'test'}} def test_with_filled_cache(self, shelve, fn, key): cache_value = {key: {'etag': '0', 'value': 'new-value'}} shelve.update(cache_value) assert fn() == 'new-value' assert shelve == cache_value def test_when_etag_changed(self, shelve, fn, key): shelve.update({key: {'etag': '-1', 'value': 'old-value'}}) assert fn() == 'test' assert shelve == {key: {'etag': '0', 'value': 'test'}} class TestCompatibilityCall(object): def test_match(self): def match(command): assert command == Command() return True assert compatibility_call(match, Command()) def test_old_match(self, settings): def match(command, _settings): assert command == Command() assert settings == _settings return True assert compatibility_call(match, Command()) def test_get_new_command(self): def get_new_command(command): assert command == Command() return True assert compatibility_call(get_new_command, Command()) def test_old_get_new_command(self, settings): def get_new_command(command, _settings): assert command == Command() assert settings == _settings return True assert compatibility_call(get_new_command, Command()) def test_side_effect(self): def side_effect(command, new_command): assert command == Command() == new_command return True assert compatibility_call(side_effect, Command(), Command()) def test_old_side_effect(self, settings): def side_effect(command, new_command, _settings): assert command == Command() == new_command assert settings == _settings return True assert compatibility_call(side_effect, Command(), Command()) class TestGetValidHistoryWithoutCurrent(object): @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def history(self, mocker): return mocker.patch('', return_value=['le cat', 'fuck', 'ls cat', 'diff x', 'nocommand x']) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def alias(self, mocker): return mocker.patch('thefuck.utils.get_alias', return_value='fuck') @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def callables(self, mocker): return mocker.patch('thefuck.utils.get_all_executables', return_value=['diff', 'ls']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('script, result', [ ('le cat', ['ls cat', 'diff x']), ('diff x', ['ls cat']), ('fuck', ['ls cat', 'diff x'])]) def test_get_valid_history_without_current(self, script, result): command = Command(script=script) assert get_valid_history_without_current(command) == result