import os import pickle import pkg_resources import re import shelve import six from .conf import settings from contextlib import closing from decorator import decorator from difflib import get_close_matches from functools import wraps from inspect import getargspec from pathlib import Path from warnings import warn DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w') if six.PY2: import anydbm shelve_open_error = anydbm.error else: import dbm shelve_open_error = dbm.error def memoize(fn): """Caches previous calls to the function.""" memo = {} @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if not memoize.disabled: key = pickle.dumps((args, kwargs)) if key not in memo: memo[key] = fn(*args, **kwargs) value = memo[key] else: # Memoize is disabled, call the function value = fn(*args, **kwargs) return value return wrapper memoize.disabled = False @memoize def which(program): """Returns `program` path or `None`.""" try: from shutil import which return which(program) except ImportError: def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): path = path.strip('"') exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None def default_settings(params): """Adds default values to settings if it not presented. Usage: @default_settings({'apt': '/usr/bin/apt'}) def match(command, settings): print(settings.apt) """ def _default_settings(fn, command): for k, w in params.items(): settings.setdefault(k, w) return fn(command) return decorator(_default_settings) def get_closest(word, possibilities, n=3, cutoff=0.6, fallback_to_first=True): """Returns closest match or just first from possibilities.""" possibilities = list(possibilities) try: return get_close_matches(word, possibilities, n, cutoff)[0] except IndexError: if fallback_to_first: return possibilities[0] @memoize def get_all_executables(): from thefuck.shells import shell def _safe(fn, fallback): try: return fn() except OSError: return fallback tf_alias = get_alias() tf_entry_points = get_installation_info().get_entry_map()\ .get('console_scripts', {})\ .keys() bins = [ for path in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(':') for exe in _safe(lambda: list(Path(path).iterdir()), []) if not _safe(exe.is_dir, True) and not in tf_entry_points] aliases = [alias for alias in shell.get_aliases() if alias != tf_alias] return bins + aliases def replace_argument(script, from_, to): """Replaces command line argument.""" replaced_in_the_end = re.sub(u' {}$'.format(re.escape(from_)), u' {}'.format(to), script, count=1) if replaced_in_the_end != script: return replaced_in_the_end else: return script.replace( u' {} '.format(from_), u' {} '.format(to), 1) @decorator def eager(fn, *args, **kwargs): return list(fn(*args, **kwargs)) @eager def get_all_matched_commands(stderr, separator='Did you mean'): should_yield = False for line in stderr.split('\n'): if separator in line: should_yield = True elif should_yield and line: yield line.strip() def replace_command(command, broken, matched): """Helper for *_no_command rules.""" new_cmds = get_close_matches(broken, matched, cutoff=0.1) return [replace_argument(command.script, broken, new_cmd.strip()) for new_cmd in new_cmds] @memoize def is_app(command, *app_names, **kwargs): """Returns `True` if command is call to one of passed app names.""" at_least = kwargs.pop('at_least', 0) if kwargs: raise TypeError("got an unexpected keyword argument '{}'".format(kwargs.keys())) if command.script_parts is not None and len(command.script_parts) > at_least: return command.script_parts[0] in app_names return False def for_app(*app_names, **kwargs): """Specifies that matching script is for on of app names.""" def _for_app(fn, command): if is_app(command, *app_names, **kwargs): return fn(command) else: return False return decorator(_for_app) def cache(*depends_on): """Caches function result in temporary file. Cache will be expired when modification date of files from `depends_on` will be changed. Function wrapped in `cache` should be arguments agnostic. """ def _get_mtime(name): path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), name) try: return str(os.path.getmtime(path)) except OSError: return '0' def _get_cache_path(): default_xdg_cache_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.cache") cache_dir = os.getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME", default_xdg_cache_dir) cache_path = Path(cache_dir).joinpath('thefuck').as_posix() # Ensure the cache_path exists, Python 2 does not have the exist_ok # parameter try: os.makedirs(cache_dir) except OSError: if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir): raise return cache_path @decorator def _cache(fn, *args, **kwargs): if cache.disabled: return fn(*args, **kwargs) # A bit obscure, but simplest way to generate unique key for # functions and methods in python 2 and 3: key = '{}.{}'.format(fn.__module__, repr(fn).split('at')[0]) etag = '.'.join(_get_mtime(name) for name in depends_on) cache_path = _get_cache_path() try: with closing( as db: if db.get(key, {}).get('etag') == etag: return db[key]['value'] else: value = fn(*args, **kwargs) db[key] = {'etag': etag, 'value': value} return value except (shelve_open_error, ImportError): # Caused when switching between Python versions warn("Removing possibly out-dated cache") os.remove(cache_path) with closing( as db: value = fn(*args, **kwargs) db[key] = {'etag': etag, 'value': value} return value return _cache cache.disabled = False def compatibility_call(fn, *args): """Special call for compatibility with user-defined old-style rules with `settings` param. """ fn_args_count = len(getargspec(fn).args) if fn.__name__ in ('match', 'get_new_command') and fn_args_count == 2: warn("Two arguments `{}` from rule `{}` is deprecated, please " "remove `settings` argument and use " "`from thefuck.conf import settings` instead." .format(fn.__name__, fn.__module__)) args += (settings,) if fn.__name__ == 'side_effect' and fn_args_count == 3: warn("Three arguments `side_effect` from rule `{}` is deprecated, " "please remove `settings` argument and use `from thefuck.conf " "import settings` instead." .format(fn.__name__, fn.__module__)) args += (settings,) return fn(*args) def get_installation_info(): return pkg_resources.require('thefuck')[0] def get_alias(): return os.environ.get('TF_ALIAS', 'fuck')