import re from thefuck.utils import for_app @for_app("composer") def match(command): # determine error type # matching "did you mean this" is not enough as composer also gives spelling suggestions for mistakes other than mispelled commands is_undefined_command_error = "CommandNotFoundException" in command.output suggestions_present = "Did you mean" in command.output return is_undefined_command_error and suggestions_present def get_new_command(command): # since the command class already tells us the original argument, we need not resort to regex broken_cmd = command.script_parts[1] one_suggestion_only = "Did you mean this?" in command.output if one_suggestion_only: new_cmd = ("Did you mean this\?[^\n]*\n\s*([^\n]*)", command.output) .group(1) .strip() ) return command.script.replace(broken_cmd, new_cmd) # else there are multiple suggestions # trim output text to make it more digestable by regex trim_start_index = command.output.find("Did you mean") short_output = command.output[trim_start_index:] stripped_lines = [line.strip() for line in short_output.split("\n")] # each of the suggested commands can be found from index 1 to the first occurrence of a blank string end_index = stripped_lines.index("") suggested_commands = stripped_lines[1:end_index] return [ command.script.replace(broken_cmd, cmd.strip()) for cmd in suggested_commands ]