# The Fuck [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/nvbn/thefuck.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/nvbn/thefuck) Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command, inspired by a [@liamosaur](https://twitter.com/liamosaur/) [tweet](https://twitter.com/liamosaur/status/506975850596536320). [![gif with examples](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvbn/thefuck/master/example.gif)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvbn/thefuck/master/example.gif) Few more examples: ```bash ➜ apt-get install vim E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? ➜ fuck sudo apt-get install vim [enter/↑/↓/ctrl+c] [sudo] password for nvbn: Reading package lists... Done ... ``` ```bash ➜ git push fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use git push --set-upstream origin master ➜ fuck git push --set-upstream origin master [enter/↑/↓/ctrl+c] Counting objects: 9, done. ... ``` ```bash ➜ puthon No command 'puthon' found, did you mean: Command 'python' from package 'python-minimal' (main) Command 'python' from package 'python3' (main) zsh: command not found: puthon ➜ fuck python [enter/↑/↓/ctrl+c] Python 3.4.2 (default, Oct 8 2014, 13:08:17) ... ``` ```bash ➜ git brnch git: 'brnch' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. Did you mean this? branch ➜ fuck git branch [enter/↑/↓/ctrl+c] * master ``` ```bash ➜ lein rpl 'rpl' is not a task. See 'lein help'. Did you mean this? repl ➜ fuck lein repl [enter/↑/↓/ctrl+c] nREPL server started on port 54848 on host - nrepl:// REPL-y 0.3.1 ... ``` If you are not scared to blindly run the changed command, there is a `require_confirmation` [settings](#settings) option: ```bash ➜ apt-get install vim E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? ➜ fuck sudo apt-get install vim [sudo] password for nvbn: Reading package lists... Done ... ``` ## Requirements - python (2.7+ or 3.3+) - pip - python-dev ## Installation [*experimental*] On Ubuntu and OS X you can install `The Fuck` with installation script: ```bash wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvbn/thefuck/master/install.sh | sh - && $0 ``` ## Manual installation Install `The Fuck` with `pip`: ```bash sudo pip install thefuck ``` [Or using an OS package manager (OS X, Ubuntu, Arch).](https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck/wiki/Installation) You should place this command in your `.bash_profile`, `.bashrc`, `.zshrc` or other startup script: ```bash eval "$(thefuck --alias)" # You can use whatever you want as an alias, like for Mondays: eval "$(thefuck --alias FUCK)" ``` [Or in your shell config (Bash, Zsh, Fish, Powershell, tcsh).](https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck/wiki/Shell-aliases) Changes will be available only in a new shell session. To make them available immediately, run `source ~/.bashrc` (or your shell config file like `.zshrc`). ## Update ```bash sudo pip install thefuck --upgrade ``` **Aliases changed in 1.34.** ## How it works The Fuck tries to match a rule for the previous command, creates a new command using the matched rule and runs it. Rules enabled by default are as follows: * `cargo` – runs `cargo build` instead of `cargo`; * `cargo_no_command` – fixes wrongs commands like `cargo buid`; * `cd_correction` – spellchecks and correct failed cd commands; * `cd_mkdir` – creates directories before cd'ing into them; * `cd_parent` – changes `cd..` to `cd ..`; * `composer_not_command` – fixes composer command name; * `cp_omitting_directory` – adds `-a` when you `cp` directory; * `cpp11` – adds missing `-std=c++11` to `g++` or `clang++`; * `dirty_untar` – fixes `tar x` command that untarred in the current directory; * `dirty_unzip` – fixes `unzip` command that unzipped in the current directory; * `django_south_ghost` – adds `--delete-ghost-migrations` to failed because ghosts django south migration; * `django_south_merge` – adds `--merge` to inconsistent django south migration; * `docker_not_command` – fixes wrong docker commands like `docker tags`; * `dry` – fixes repetitions like `git git push`; * `fix_alt_space` – replaces Alt+Space with Space character; * `fix_file` – opens a file with an error in your `$EDITOR`; * `git_add` – fixes *"Did you forget to 'git add'?"*; * `git_branch_delete` – changes `git branch -d` to `git branch -D`; * `git_branch_list` – catches `git branch list` in place of `git branch` and removes created branch; * `git_checkout` – fixes branch name or creates new branch; * `git_diff_staged` – adds `--staged` to previous `git diff` with unexpected output; * `git_fix_stash` – fixes `git stash` commands (misspelled subcommand and missing `save`); * `git_not_command` – fixes wrong git commands like `git brnch`; * `git_pull` – sets upstream before executing previous `git pull`; * `git_pull_clone` – clones instead of pulling when the repo does not exist; * `git_push` – adds `--set-upstream origin $branch` to previous failed `git push`; * `git_push_pull` – runs `git pull` when `push` was rejected; * `git_stash` – stashes you local modifications before rebasing or switching branch; * `go_run` – appends `.go` extension when compiling/running Go programs * `grep_recursive` – adds `-r` when you trying to `grep` directory; * `gulp_not_task` – fixes misspelled `gulp` tasks; * `has_exists_script` – prepends `./` when script/binary exists; * `heroku_not_command` – fixes wrong `heroku` commands like `heroku log`; * `history` – tries to replace command with most similar command from history; * `java` – removes `.java` extension when running Java programs; * `javac` – appends missing `.java` when compiling Java files; * `lein_not_task` – fixes wrong `lein` tasks like `lein rpl`; * `ls_lah` – adds `-lah` to `ls`; * `man` – changes manual section; * `man_no_space` – fixes man commands without spaces, for example `mandiff`; * `mercurial` – fixes wrong `hg` commands; * `mkdir_p` – adds `-p` when you trying to create directory without parent; * `mvn_no_command` – adds `clean package` to `mvn`; * `mvn_unknown_lifecycle_phase` – fixes misspelled lifecycle phases with `mvn`; * `no_command` – fixes wrong console commands, for example `vom/vim`; * `no_such_file` – creates missing directories with `mv` and `cp` commands; * `open` – prepends `http` to address passed to `open`; * `pip_unknown_command` – fixes wrong `pip` commands, for example `pip instatl/pip install`; * `python_command` – prepends `python` when you trying to run not executable/without `./` python script; * `python_execute` – appends missing `.py` when executing Python files; * `quotation_marks` – fixes uneven usage of `'` and `"` when containing args'; * `rm_dir` – adds `-rf` when you trying to remove directory; * `sed_unterminated_s` – adds missing '/' to `sed`'s `s` commands; * `sl_ls` – changes `sl` to `ls`; * `ssh_known_hosts` – removes host from `known_hosts` on warning; * `sudo` – prepends `sudo` to previous command if it failed because of permissions; * `switch_lang` – switches command from your local layout to en; * `systemctl` – correctly orders parameters of confusing `systemctl`; * `test.py` – runs `py.test` instead of `test.py`; * `touch` – creates missing directories before "touching"; * `tsuru_login` – runs `tsuru login` if not authenticated or session expired; * `tsuru_not_command` – fixes wrong `tsuru` commands like `tsuru shell`; * `tmux` – fixes `tmux` commands; * `unknown_command` – fixes hadoop hdfs-style "unknown command", for example adds missing '-' to the command on `hdfs dfs ls`; * `vagrant_up` – starts up the vagrant instance; * `whois` – fixes `whois` command. Enabled by default only on specific platforms: * `apt_get` – installs app from apt if it not installed (requires `python-commandnotfound` / `python3-commandnotfound`); * `apt_get_search` – changes trying to search using `apt-get` with searching using `apt-cache`; * `brew_install` – fixes formula name for `brew install`; * `brew_unknown_command` – fixes wrong brew commands, for example `brew docto/brew doctor`; * `brew_upgrade` – appends `--all` to `brew upgrade` as per Homebrew's new behaviour; * `pacman` – installs app with `pacman` if it is not installed (uses `yaourt` if available); * `pacman_not_found` – fixes package name with `pacman` or `yaourt`. Bundled, but not enabled by default: * `git_push_force` – adds `--force` to a `git push` (may conflict with `git_push_pull`); * `rm_root` – adds `--no-preserve-root` to `rm -rf /` command. ## Creating your own rules For adding your own rule you should create `your-rule-name.py` in `~/.thefuck/rules`. The rule should contain two functions: ```python match(command: Command) -> bool get_new_command(command: Command) -> str | list[str] ``` Also the rule can contain an optional function ```python side_effect(old_command: Command, fixed_command: str) -> None ``` and optional `enabled_by_default`, `requires_output` and `priority` variables. `Command` has three attributes: `script`, `stdout` and `stderr`. *Rules api changed in 3.0:* For accessing settings in rule you need to import it with `from thefuck.conf import settings`. `settings` is a special object filled with `~/.thefuck/settings.py` and values from env ([see more below](#settings)). Simple example of the rule for running script with `sudo`: ```python def match(command): return ('permission denied' in command.stderr.lower() or 'EACCES' in command.stderr) def get_new_command(command): return 'sudo {}'.format(command.script) # Optional: enabled_by_default = True def side_effect(command, fixed_command): subprocess.call('chmod 777 .', shell=True) priority = 1000 # Lower first, default is 1000 requires_output = True ``` [More examples of rules](https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck/tree/master/thefuck/rules), [utility functions for rules](https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck/tree/master/thefuck/utils.py), [app/os-specific helpers](https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck/tree/master/thefuck/specific/). ## Settings The Fuck has a few settings parameters which can be changed in `~/.thefuck/settings.py`: * `rules` – list of enabled rules, by default `thefuck.conf.DEFAULT_RULES`; * `exclude_rules` – list of disabled rules, by default `[]`; * `require_confirmation` – requires confirmation before running new command, by default `True`; * `wait_command` – max amount of time in seconds for getting previous command output; * `no_colors` – disable colored output; * `priority` – dict with rules priorities, rule with lower `priority` will be matched first; * `debug` – enables debug output, by default `False`. Example of `settings.py`: ```python rules = ['sudo', 'no_command'] exclude_rules = ['git_push'] require_confirmation = True wait_command = 10 no_colors = False priority = {'sudo': 100, 'no_command': 9999} debug = False ``` Or via environment variables: * `THEFUCK_RULES` – list of enabled rules, like `DEFAULT_RULES:rm_root` or `sudo:no_command`; * `THEFUCK_EXCLUDE_RULES` – list of disabled rules, like `git_pull:git_push`; * `THEFUCK_REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION` – require confirmation before running new command, `true/false`; * `THEFUCK_WAIT_COMMAND` – max amount of time in seconds for getting previous command output; * `THEFUCK_NO_COLORS` – disable colored output, `true/false`; * `THEFUCK_PRIORITY` – priority of the rules, like `no_command=9999:apt_get=100`, rule with lower `priority` will be matched first; * `THEFUCK_DEBUG` – enables debug output, `true/false`; * `THEFUCK_HISTORY_LIMIT` – how many history commands will be scanned, like `2000`. For example: ```bash export THEFUCK_RULES='sudo:no_command' export THEFUCK_EXCLUDE_RULES='git_pull:git_push' export THEFUCK_REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION='true' export THEFUCK_WAIT_COMMAND=10 export THEFUCK_NO_COLORS='false' export THEFUCK_PRIORITY='no_command=9999:apt_get=100' ``` ## Developing Install `The Fuck` for development: ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt python setup.py develop ``` Run unit tests: ```bash py.test ``` Run unit and functional tests (requires docker): ```bash py.test --enable-functional ``` For sending package to pypi: ```bash sudo apt-get install pandoc ./release.py ``` ## License MIT Project License can be found [here](LICENSE.md).