import os import pytest import tarfile from thefuck.rules.dirty_untar import match, get_new_command, side_effect from tests.utils import Command @pytest.fixture def tar_error(tmpdir): def fixture(filename): path = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), filename) def reset(path): with tarfile.TarFile(path, 'w') as archive: for file in ('a', 'b', 'c'): with open(file, 'w') as f: f.write('*') archive.add(file) os.remove(file) with tarfile.TarFile(path, 'r') as archive: archive.extractall() os.chdir(str(tmpdir)) reset(path) assert(set(os.listdir('.')) == {filename, 'a', 'b', 'c'}) return fixture parametrize_filename = pytest.mark.parametrize('filename', [ 'foo.tar', 'foo.tar.gz', 'foo.tgz']) parametrize_script = pytest.mark.parametrize('script, fixed', [ ('tar xvf {}', 'mkdir -p foo && tar xvf {} -C foo'), ('tar -xvf {}', 'mkdir -p foo && tar -xvf {} -C foo'), ('tar --extract -f {}', 'mkdir -p foo && tar --extract -f {} -C foo')]) @parametrize_filename @parametrize_script def test_match(tar_error, filename, script, fixed): tar_error(filename) assert match(Command(script=script.format(filename))) @parametrize_filename @parametrize_script def test_side_effect(tar_error, filename, script, fixed): tar_error(filename) side_effect(Command(script=script.format(filename)), None) assert(os.listdir('.') == [filename]) @parametrize_filename @parametrize_script def test_get_new_command(tar_error, filename, script, fixed): tar_error(filename) assert get_new_command(Command(script=script.format(filename))) == fixed.format(filename)