import pytest
from thefuck.rules.yarn_help import match, get_new_command
from thefuck.types import Command
from thefuck.system import open_command

output_clean = '''

  Usage: yarn [command] [flags]


    -h, --help                      output usage information
    -V, --version                   output the version number
    --verbose                       output verbose messages on internal operations
    --offline                       trigger an error if any required dependencies are not available in local cache
    --prefer-offline                use network only if dependencies are not available in local cache
    --ignore-scripts                don't run lifecycle scripts
    --har                           save HAR output of network traffic
    --ignore-platform               ignore platform checks
    --ignore-engines                ignore engines check
    --ignore-optional               ignore optional dependencies
    --force                         ignore all caches
    --no-bin-links                  don't generate bin links when setting up packages
    --flat                          only allow one version of a package
    --prod, --production [prod]     
    --no-lockfile                   don't read or generate a lockfile
    --pure-lockfile                 don't generate a lockfile
    --frozen-lockfile               don't generate a lockfile and fail if an update is needed
    --link-duplicates               create hardlinks to the repeated modules in node_modules
    --global-folder <path>          
    --modules-folder <path>         rather than installing modules into the node_modules folder relative to the cwd, output them here
    --cache-folder <path>           specify a custom folder to store the yarn cache
    --mutex <type>[:specifier]      use a mutex to ensure only one yarn instance is executing
    --no-emoji                      disable emoji in output
    --proxy <host>                  
    --https-proxy <host>            
    --no-progress                   disable progress bar
    --network-concurrency <number>  maximum number of concurrent network requests

  Visit for documentation about this command.
'''  # noqa

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
    Command('yarn help clean', output_clean)])
def test_match(command):
    assert match(command)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, url', [
    (Command('yarn help clean', output_clean),
def test_get_new_command(command, url):
    assert get_new_command(command) == open_command(url)