mirror of https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck.git synced 2025-03-13 22:28:33 +00:00

Merge pull request #3 from nvbn/master

Sync with master
This commit is contained in:
秋纫 2015-05-28 09:41:18 +08:00
commit e09c6530e5
42 changed files with 953 additions and 74 deletions

View File

@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ python:
- python setup.py develop
- pip install -r requirements.txt
script: py.test
script: py.test -v

View File

@ -118,6 +118,11 @@ Or in your `.zshrc`:
alias fuck='eval $(thefuck $(fc -ln -1 | tail -n 1)); fc -R'
If you are using `tcsh`:
alias fuck 'set fucked_cmd=`history -h 2 | head -n 1` && eval `thefuck ${fucked_cmd}`'
Alternatively, you can redirect the output of `thefuck-alias`:
@ -140,37 +145,50 @@ sudo pip install thefuck --upgrade
The Fuck tries to match a rule for the previous command, creates a new command
using the matched rule and runs it. Rules enabled by default are as follows:
* `brew_unknown_command` – fixes wrong brew commands, for example `brew docto/brew doctor`;
* `cpp11` – add missing `-std=c++11` to `g++` or `clang++`;
* `cd_parent` – changes `cd..` to `cd ..`;
* `cd_correction` – spellchecks and correct failed cd commands;
* `cd_mkdir` – creates directories before cd'ing into them;
* `cd_parent` – changes `cd..` to `cd ..`;
* `composer_not_command` – fixes composer command name;
* `cp_omitting_directory` – adds `-a` when you `cp` directory;
* `cpp11` – add missing `-std=c++11` to `g++` or `clang++`;
* `dry` – fix repetitions like "git git push";
* `django_south_ghost` – adds `--delete-ghost-migrations` to failed because ghosts django south migration;
* `django_south_merge` – adds `--merge` to inconsistent django south migration;
* `fix_alt_space` – replaces Alt+Space with Space character;
* `git_add` – fix *"Did you forget to 'git add'?"*;
* `git_checkout` – creates the branch before checking-out;
* `git_no_command` – fixes wrong git commands like `git brnch`;
* `git_pull` – sets upstream before executing previous `git pull`;
* `git_push` – adds `--set-upstream origin $branch` to previous failed `git push`;
* `git_stash` – stashes you local modifications before rebasing or switching branch;
* `grep_recursive` – adds `-r` when you trying to grep directory;
* `has_exists_script` – prepends `./` when script/binary exists;
* `lein_not_task` – fixes wrong `lein` tasks like `lein rpl`;
* `ls_lah` – adds -lah to ls;
* `man` – change manual section;
* `man_no_space` – fixes man commands without spaces, for example `mandiff`;
* `mkdir_p` – adds `-p` when you trying to create directory without parent;
* `no_command` – fixes wrong console commands, for example `vom/vim`;
* `man_no_space` – fixes man commands without spaces, for example `mandiff`;
* `pacman` – installs app with `pacman` or `yaourt` if it is not installed;
* `no_such_file` – creates missing directories with `mv` and `cp` commands;
* `open` – prepends `http` to address passed to `open`;
* `pip_unknown_command` – fixes wrong pip commands, for example `pip instatl/pip install`;
* `python_command` – prepends `python` when you trying to run not executable/without `./` python script;
* `sl_ls` – changes `sl` to `ls`;
* `rm_dir` – adds `-rf` when you trying to remove directory;
* `sl_ls` – changes `sl` to `ls`;
* `ssh_known_hosts` – removes host from `known_hosts` on warning;
* `sudo` – prepends `sudo` to previous command if it failed because of permissions;
* `switch_layout` – switches command from your local layout to en;
* `whois` – fixes `whois` command.
Enabled by default only on specific platforms:
* `apt_get` – installs app from apt if it not installed;
* `brew_install` – fixes formula name for `brew install`;
* `composer_not_command` – fixes composer command name.
* `brew_unknown_command` – fixes wrong brew commands, for example `brew docto/brew doctor`;
* `pacman` – installs app with `pacman` or `yaourt` if it is not installed.
Bundled, but not enabled by default:
* `ls_lah` – adds -lah to ls;
* `rm_root` – adds `--no-preserve-root` to `rm -rf /` command.
## Creating your own rules

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
VERSION = '1.39'
VERSION = '1.43'

tests/rules/__init__.py Normal file
View File

tests/rules/conftest.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import pytest
def generic_shell(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr('thefuck.shells.and_', lambda *x: ' && '.join(x))

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import pytest
from mock import Mock, patch
from thefuck.rules import apt_get
from thefuck.rules.apt_get import match, get_new_command
from tests.utils import Command
# python-commandnotfound is available in ubuntu 14.04+
@pytest.mark.skipif(not getattr(apt_get, 'enabled_by_default', True),
reason='Skip if python-commandnotfound is not available')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command(script='vim', stderr='vim: command not found')])
def test_match(command):
assert match(command, None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, return_value', [
(Command(script='vim', stderr='vim: command not found'),
[('vim', 'main'), ('vim-tiny', 'main')])])
@patch('thefuck.rules.apt_get.CommandNotFound', create=True)
@patch.multiple(apt_get, create=True, apt_get='apt_get')
def test_match_mocked(cmdnf_mock, command, return_value):
get_packages = Mock(return_value=return_value)
cmdnf_mock.CommandNotFound.return_value = Mock(getPackages=get_packages)
assert match(command, None)
assert cmdnf_mock.CommandNotFound.called
assert get_packages.called
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command(script='vim', stderr=''), Command()])
def test_not_match(command):
assert not match(command, None)
# python-commandnotfound is available in ubuntu 14.04+
@pytest.mark.skipif(not getattr(apt_get, 'enabled_by_default', True),
reason='Skip if python-commandnotfound is not available')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, new_command', [
(Command('vim'), 'sudo apt-get install vim && vim'),
(Command('convert'), 'sudo apt-get install imagemagick && convert')])
def test_get_new_command(command, new_command):
assert get_new_command(command, None) == new_command
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, new_command, return_value', [
(Command('vim'), 'sudo apt-get install vim && vim',
[('vim', 'main'), ('vim-tiny', 'main')]),
(Command('convert'), 'sudo apt-get install imagemagick && convert',
[('imagemagick', 'main'),
('graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat', 'universe')])])
@patch('thefuck.rules.apt_get.CommandNotFound', create=True)
@patch.multiple(apt_get, create=True, apt_get='apt_get')
def test_get_new_command_mocked(cmdnf_mock, command, new_command, return_value):
get_packages = Mock(return_value=return_value)
cmdnf_mock.CommandNotFound.return_value = Mock(getPackages=get_packages)
assert get_new_command(command, None) == new_command
assert cmdnf_mock.CommandNotFound.called
assert get_packages.called

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import pytest
from thefuck.rules.django_south_ghost import match, get_new_command
from tests.utils import Command
def stderr():
return '''Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../bin/python", line 42, in <module>
exec(compile(__file__f.read(), __file__, "exec"))
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../app/manage.py", line 34, in <module>
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../lib/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 443, in execute_from_command_line
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../lib/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 382, in execute
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../lib/django/core/management/base.py", line 196, in run_from_argv
self.execute(*args, **options.__dict__)
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../lib/django/core/management/base.py", line 232, in execute
output = self.handle(*args, **options)
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../app/lib/south/management/commands/migrate.py", line 108, in handle
ignore_ghosts = ignore_ghosts,
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../app/lib/south/migration/__init__.py", line 193, in migrate_app
applied_all = check_migration_histories(applied_all, delete_ghosts, ignore_ghosts)
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../app/lib/south/migration/__init__.py", line 88, in check_migration_histories
raise exceptions.GhostMigrations(ghosts)
! These migrations are in the database but not on disk:
<app1: 0033_auto__...>
<app1: 0034_fill_...>
<app1: 0035_rename_...>
<app2: 0003_add_...>
<app2: 0004_denormalize_...>
<app1: 0033_auto....>
<app1: 0034_fill...>
! I'm not trusting myself; either fix this yourself by fiddling
! with the south_migrationhistory table, or pass --delete-ghost-migrations
! to South to have it delete ALL of these records (this may not be good).
def test_match(stderr):
assert match(Command('./manage.py migrate', stderr=stderr), None)
assert match(Command('python manage.py migrate', stderr=stderr), None)
assert not match(Command('./manage.py migrate'), None)
assert not match(Command('app migrate', stderr=stderr), None)
assert not match(Command('./manage.py test', stderr=stderr), None)
def test_get_new_command():
assert get_new_command(Command('./manage.py migrate auth'), None)\
== './manage.py migrate auth --delete-ghost-migrations'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import pytest
from thefuck.rules.django_south_merge import match, get_new_command
from tests.utils import Command
def stderr():
return '''Running migrations for app:
! Migration app:0003_auto... should not have been applied before app:0002_auto__add_field_query_due_date_ but was.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../bin/python", line 42, in <module>
exec(compile(__file__f.read(), __file__, "exec"))
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../app/manage.py", line 34, in <module>
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../lib/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 443, in execute_from_command_line
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../lib/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 382, in execute
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../lib/django/core/management/base.py", line 196, in run_from_argv
self.execute(*args, **options.__dict__)
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../lib/django/core/management/base.py", line 232, in execute
output = self.handle(*args, **options)
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../app/lib/south/management/commands/migrate.py", line 108, in handle
ignore_ghosts = ignore_ghosts,
File "/home/nvbn/work/.../app/lib/south/migration/__init__.py", line 207, in migrate_app
raise exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory(problems)
south.exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory: Inconsistent migration history
The following options are available:
--merge: will just attempt the migration ignoring any potential dependency conflicts.
def test_match(stderr):
assert match(Command('./manage.py migrate', stderr=stderr), None)
assert match(Command('python manage.py migrate', stderr=stderr), None)
assert not match(Command('./manage.py migrate'), None)
assert not match(Command('app migrate', stderr=stderr), None)
assert not match(Command('./manage.py test', stderr=stderr), None)
def test_get_new_command():
assert get_new_command(Command('./manage.py migrate auth'), None) \
== './manage.py migrate auth --merge'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import pytest
from thefuck.rules.git_add import match, get_new_command
from tests.utils import Command
def did_not_match(target, did_you_forget=True):
error = ("error: pathspec '{}' did not match any "
"file(s) known to git.".format(target))
if did_you_forget:
error = ("{}\nDid you forget to 'git add'?'".format(error))
return error
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command(script='git submodule update unknown',
Command(script='git commit unknown',
stderr=did_not_match('unknown'))]) # Older versions of Git
def test_match(command):
assert match(command, None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command(script='git submodule update known', stderr=('')),
Command(script='git commit known', stderr=('')),
Command(script='git commit unknown', # Newer versions of Git
stderr=did_not_match('unknown', False))])
def test_not_match(command):
assert not match(command, None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, new_command', [
(Command('git submodule update unknown', stderr=did_not_match('unknown')),
'git add -- unknown && git submodule update unknown'),
(Command('git commit unknown', stderr=did_not_match('unknown')), # Old Git
'git add -- unknown && git commit unknown')])
def test_get_new_command(command, new_command):
assert get_new_command(command, None) == new_command

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import pytest
from thefuck.rules.git_checkout import match, get_new_command
from tests.utils import Command
def did_not_match(target, did_you_forget=False):
error = ("error: pathspec '{}' did not match any "
"file(s) known to git.".format(target))
if did_you_forget:
error = ("{}\nDid you forget to 'git add'?'".format(error))
return error
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command(script='git checkout unknown', stderr=did_not_match('unknown')),
Command(script='git commit unknown', stderr=did_not_match('unknown'))])
def test_match(command):
assert match(command, None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command(script='git submodule update unknown',
stderr=did_not_match('unknown', True)),
Command(script='git checkout known', stderr=('')),
Command(script='git commit known', stderr=(''))])
def test_not_match(command):
assert not match(command, None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, new_command', [
(Command(script='git checkout unknown', stderr=did_not_match('unknown')),
'git branch unknown && git checkout unknown'),
(Command('git commit unknown', stderr=did_not_match('unknown')),
'git branch unknown && git commit unknown')])
def test_get_new_command(command, new_command):
assert get_new_command(command, None) == new_command

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import pytest
from thefuck.rules.git_pull import match, get_new_command
from tests.utils import Command
def stderr():
return '''There is no tracking information for the current branch.
Please specify which branch you want to merge with.
See git-pull(1) for details
git pull <remote> <branch>
If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:
git branch --set-upstream-to=<remote>/<branch> master
def test_match(stderr):
assert match(Command('git pull', stderr=stderr), None)
assert not match(Command('git pull'), None)
assert not match(Command('ls', stderr=stderr), None)
def test_get_new_command(stderr):
assert get_new_command(Command('git pull', stderr=stderr), None) \
== "git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master && git pull"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import pytest
from thefuck.rules.git_stash import match, get_new_command
from tests.utils import Command
def cherry_pick_error():
return ('error: Your local changes would be overwritten by cherry-pick.\n'
'hint: Commit your changes or stash them to proceed.\n'
'fatal: cherry-pick failed')
def rebase_error():
return ('Cannot rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes.\n'
'Please commit or stash them.')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command(script='git cherry-pick a1b2c3d', stderr=cherry_pick_error()),
Command(script='git rebase -i HEAD~7', stderr=rebase_error())])
def test_match(command):
assert match(command, None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command(script='git cherry-pick a1b2c3d', stderr=('')),
Command(script='git rebase -i HEAD~7', stderr=(''))])
def test_not_match(command):
assert not match(command, None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, new_command', [
(Command(script='git cherry-pick a1b2c3d', stderr=cherry_pick_error),
'git stash && git cherry-pick a1b2c3d'),
(Command('git rebase -i HEAD~7', stderr=rebase_error),
'git stash && git rebase -i HEAD~7')])
def test_get_new_command(command, new_command):
assert get_new_command(command, None) == new_command

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
from thefuck.rules.grep_recursive import match, get_new_command
from tests.utils import Command
def test_match():
assert match(Command('grep blah .', stderr='grep: .: Is a directory'), None)
assert not match(Command(), None)
def test_get_new_command():
assert get_new_command(
Command('grep blah .'), None) == 'grep -r blah .'

tests/rules/test_man.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import pytest
from thefuck.rules.man import match, get_new_command
from tests.utils import Command
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command('man read'),
Command('man 2 read'),
Command('man 3 read'),
Command('man -s2 read'),
Command('man -s3 read'),
Command('man -s 2 read'),
Command('man -s 3 read')])
def test_match(command):
assert match(command, None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command('man ')])
def test_not_match(command):
assert not match(command, None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, new_command', [
(Command('man read'), 'man 3 read'),
(Command('man 2 read'), 'man 3 read'),
(Command('man 3 read'), 'man 2 read'),
(Command('man -s2 read'), 'man -s3 read'),
(Command('man -s3 read'), 'man -s2 read'),
(Command('man -s 2 read'), 'man -s 3 read'),
(Command('man -s 3 read'), 'man -s 2 read')])
def test_get_new_command(command, new_command):
assert get_new_command(command, None) == new_command

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from thefuck.rules.no_command import match, get_new_command
def test_match():
with patch('thefuck.rules.no_command._get_all_bins',
with patch('thefuck.rules.no_command._get_all_callables',
return_value=['vim', 'apt-get']):
assert match(Mock(stderr='vom: not found', script='vom file.py'), None)
assert not match(Mock(stderr='qweqwe: not found', script='qweqwe'), None)
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def test_match():
def test_get_new_command():
with patch('thefuck.rules.no_command._get_all_bins',
with patch('thefuck.rules.no_command._get_all_callables',
return_value=['vim', 'apt-get']):
assert get_new_command(
Mock(stderr='vom: not found',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import pytest
from thefuck.rules.no_such_file import match, get_new_command
from tests.utils import Command
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command(script='mv foo bar/foo', stderr="mv: cannot move 'foo' to 'bar/foo': No such file or directory"),
Command(script='mv foo bar/', stderr="mv: cannot move 'foo' to 'bar/': No such file or directory"),
def test_match(command):
assert match(command, None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, new_command', [
(Command(script='mv foo bar/foo', stderr="mv: cannot move 'foo' to 'bar/foo': No such file or directory"), 'mkdir -p bar && mv foo bar/foo'),
(Command(script='mv foo bar/', stderr="mv: cannot move 'foo' to 'bar/': No such file or directory"), 'mkdir -p bar && mv foo bar/'),
def test_get_new_command(command, new_command):
assert get_new_command(command, None) == new_command

tests/rules/test_open.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import pytest
from thefuck.rules.open import match, get_new_command
from tests.utils import Command
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command(script='open foo.com'),
Command(script='open foo.ly'),
Command(script='open foo.org'),
Command(script='open foo.net'),
Command(script='open foo.se'),
Command(script='open foo.io')])
def test_match(command):
assert match(command, None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, new_command', [
(Command('open foo.com'), 'open http://foo.com'),
(Command('open foo.ly'), 'open http://foo.ly'),
(Command('open foo.org'), 'open http://foo.org'),
(Command('open foo.net'), 'open http://foo.net'),
(Command('open foo.se'), 'open http://foo.se'),
(Command('open foo.io'), 'open http://foo.io')])
def test_get_new_command(command, new_command):
assert get_new_command(command, None) == new_command

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
import pytest
from mock import patch
from thefuck.rules import pacman
from thefuck.rules.pacman import match, get_new_command
from tests.utils import Command
pacman_cmd = getattr(pacman, 'pacman', 'pacman')
extra/gvim 7.4.712-1 \t/usr/bin/vim
extra/gvim-python3 7.4.712-1\t/usr/bin/vim
extra/vim 7.4.712-1 \t/usr/bin/vim
extra/vim-minimal 7.4.712-1 \t/usr/bin/vim
extra/vim-python3 7.4.712-1 \t/usr/bin/vim
@pytest.mark.skipif(not getattr(pacman, 'enabled_by_default', True),
reason='Skip if pacman is not available')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command(script='vim', stderr='vim: command not found')])
def test_match(command):
assert match(command, None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, return_value', [
(Command(script='vim', stderr='vim: command not found'), PKGFILE_OUTPUT_VIM)])
@patch.multiple(pacman, create=True, pacman=pacman_cmd)
def test_match_mocked(subp_mock, command, return_value):
subp_mock.check_output.return_value = return_value
assert match(command, None)
assert subp_mock.check_output.called
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command(script='vim', stderr=''), Command()])
def test_not_match(command):
assert not match(command, None)
@pytest.mark.skipif(not getattr(pacman, 'enabled_by_default', True),
reason='Skip if pacman is not available')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, new_command', [
(Command('vim'), '{} -S extra/gvim && vim'.format(pacman_cmd)),
(Command('convert'), '{} -S extra/imagemagick && convert'.format(pacman_cmd))])
def test_get_new_command(command, new_command, mocker):
assert get_new_command(command, None) == new_command
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, new_command, return_value', [
(Command('vim'), '{} -S extra/gvim && vim'.format(pacman_cmd),
(Command('convert'), '{} -S extra/imagemagick && convert'.format(pacman_cmd),
@patch.multiple(pacman, create=True, pacman=pacman_cmd)
def test_get_new_command_mocked(subp_mock, command, new_command, return_value):
subp_mock.check_output.return_value = return_value
assert get_new_command(command, None) == new_command
assert subp_mock.check_output.called

tests/rules/test_whois.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import pytest
from thefuck.rules.whois import match, get_new_command
from tests.utils import Command
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command', [
Command(script='whois https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page'),
Command(script='whois https://en.wikipedia.org/'),
Command(script='whois en.wikipedia.org')])
def test_match(command):
assert match(command, None)
def test_not_match():
assert not match(Command(script='whois'), None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('command, new_command', [
(Command('whois https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page'), 'whois en.wikipedia.org'),
(Command('whois https://en.wikipedia.org/'), 'whois en.wikipedia.org'),
(Command('whois en.wikipedia.org'), 'whois wikipedia.org')])
def test_get_new_command(command, new_command):
assert get_new_command(command, None) == new_command

View File

@ -13,19 +13,33 @@ def isfile(mocker):
class TestGeneric(object):
def test_from_shell(self):
assert shells.Generic().from_shell('pwd') == 'pwd'
def shell(self):
return shells.Generic()
def test_to_shell(self):
assert shells.Generic().to_shell('pwd') == 'pwd'
def test_from_shell(self, shell):
assert shell.from_shell('pwd') == 'pwd'
def test_put_to_history(self, builtins_open):
assert shells.Generic().put_to_history('ls') is None
def test_to_shell(self, shell):
assert shell.to_shell('pwd') == 'pwd'
def test_put_to_history(self, builtins_open, shell):
assert shell.put_to_history('ls') is None
assert builtins_open.call_count == 0
def test_and_(self, shell):
assert shell.and_('ls', 'cd') == 'ls && cd'
def test_get_aliases(self, shell):
assert shell.get_aliases() == {}
class TestBash(object):
def shell(self):
return shells.Bash()
def Popen(self, mocker):
mock = mocker.patch('thefuck.shells.Popen')
@ -38,20 +52,69 @@ class TestBash(object):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('before, after', [
('pwd', 'pwd'),
('ll', 'ls -alF')])
def test_from_shell(self, before, after):
assert shells.Bash().from_shell(before) == after
def test_from_shell(self, before, after, shell):
assert shell.from_shell(before) == after
def test_to_shell(self):
assert shells.Bash().to_shell('pwd') == 'pwd'
def test_to_shell(self, shell):
assert shell.to_shell('pwd') == 'pwd'
def test_put_to_history(self, builtins_open):
def test_put_to_history(self, builtins_open, shell):
builtins_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value. \
def test_and_(self, shell):
assert shell.and_('ls', 'cd') == 'ls && cd'
def test_get_aliases(self, shell):
assert shell.get_aliases() == {'l': 'ls -CF',
'la': 'ls -A',
'll': 'ls -alF'}
class TestFish(object):
def shell(self):
return shells.Fish()
def Popen(self, mocker):
mock = mocker.patch('thefuck.shells.Popen')
mock.return_value.stdout.read.return_value = (b'funced\nfuncsave\ngrep')
return mock
@pytest.mark.parametrize('before, after', [
('pwd', 'pwd'),
('ll', 'll')]) # Fish has no aliases but functions
def test_from_shell(self, before, after, shell):
assert shell.from_shell(before) == after
def test_to_shell(self, shell):
assert shell.to_shell('pwd') == 'pwd'
def test_put_to_history(self, builtins_open, mocker, shell):
builtins_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value. \
write.assert_called_once_with('- cmd: ls\n when: 1430707243\n')
def test_and_(self, shell):
assert shell.and_('foo', 'bar') == 'foo; and bar'
def test_get_aliases(self, shell):
assert shell.get_aliases() == {'funced': 'funced',
'funcsave': 'funcsave',
'grep': 'grep'}
class TestZsh(object):
def shell(self):
return shells.Zsh()
def Popen(self, mocker):
mock = mocker.patch('thefuck.shells.Popen')
@ -64,15 +127,23 @@ class TestZsh(object):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('before, after', [
('pwd', 'pwd'),
('ll', 'ls -alF')])
def test_from_shell(self, before, after):
assert shells.Zsh().from_shell(before) == after
def test_from_shell(self, before, after, shell):
assert shell.from_shell(before) == after
def test_to_shell(self):
assert shells.Zsh().to_shell('pwd') == 'pwd'
def test_to_shell(self, shell):
assert shell.to_shell('pwd') == 'pwd'
def test_put_to_history(self, builtins_open, mocker):
def test_put_to_history(self, builtins_open, mocker, shell):
builtins_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value. \
write.assert_called_once_with(': 1430707243:0;ls\n')
def test_and_(self, shell):
assert shell.and_('ls', 'cd') == 'ls && cd'
def test_get_aliases(self, shell):
assert shell.get_aliases() == {'l': 'ls -CF',
'la': 'ls -A',
'll': 'ls -alF'}

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import pytest
from mock import Mock
from thefuck.utils import sudo_support, wrap_settings
from thefuck.utils import sudo_support, wrap_settings, memoize
from thefuck.types import Settings
from tests.utils import Command
@ -24,3 +24,11 @@ def test_sudo_support(return_value, command, called, result):
fn = Mock(return_value=return_value, __name__='')
assert sudo_support(fn)(Command(command), None) == result
fn.assert_called_once_with(Command(called), None)
def test_memoize():
fn = Mock(__name__='fn')
memoized = memoize(fn)

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
from thefuck import shells
import CommandNotFound
except ImportError:
@ -20,4 +22,5 @@ def get_new_command(command, settings):
c = CommandNotFound.CommandNotFound()
pkgs = c.getPackages(command.script.split(" ")[0])
name, _ = pkgs[0]
return "sudo apt-get install {} && {}".format(name, command.script)
formatme = shells.and_('sudo apt-get install {}', '{}')
return formatme.format(name, command.script)

View File

@ -3,12 +3,11 @@ import os
import re
from subprocess import check_output
import thefuck.logs
# Formulars are base on each local system's status
brew_formulas = []
brew_path_prefix = check_output(['brew', '--prefix']).strip()
brew_path_prefix = check_output(['brew', '--prefix'],
brew_formula_path = brew_path_prefix + '/Library/Formula'
for file_name in os.listdir(brew_formula_path):

View File

@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ TAP_CMD_PATH = '/%s/%s/cmd'
def _get_brew_path_prefix():
"""To get brew path"""
return subprocess.check_output(['brew', '--prefix']).strip()
return subprocess.check_output(['brew', '--prefix'],
return None

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
__author__ = "mmussomele"
"""Attempts to spellcheck and correct failed cd commands"""
import os
from difflib import get_close_matches
from thefuck.utils import sudo_support
from thefuck.rules import cd_mkdir
def _get_sub_dirs(parent):
"""Returns a list of the child directories of the given parent directory"""
return [child for child in os.listdir(parent) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(parent, child))]
def match(command, settings):
"""Match function copied from cd_mkdir.py"""
return (command.script.startswith('cd ')
and ('no such file or directory' in command.stderr.lower()
or 'cd: can\'t cd to' in command.stderr.lower()))
def get_new_command(command, settings):
Attempt to rebuild the path string by spellchecking the directories.
If it fails (i.e. no directories are a close enough match), then it
defaults to the rules of cd_mkdir.
Change sensitivity by changing MAX_ALLOWED_DIFF. Default value is 0.6
dest = command.script.split()[1].split(os.sep)
if dest[-1] == '':
dest = dest[:-1]
cwd = os.getcwd()
for directory in dest:
if directory == ".":
elif directory == "..":
cwd = os.path.split(cwd)[0]
best_matches = get_close_matches(directory, _get_sub_dirs(cwd), cutoff=MAX_ALLOWED_DIFF)
if best_matches:
cwd = os.path.join(cwd, best_matches[0])
return cd_mkdir.get_new_command(command, settings)
return "cd {0}".format(cwd)
enabled_by_default = True

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import re
from thefuck import shells
from thefuck.utils import sudo_support
@ -11,4 +12,5 @@ def match(command, settings):
def get_new_command(command, settings):
return re.sub(r'^cd (.*)', 'mkdir -p \\1 && cd \\1', command.script)
repl = shells.and_('mkdir -p \\1', 'cd \\1')
return re.sub(r'^cd (.*)', repl, command.script)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
def match(command, settings):
return 'manage.py' in command.script and \
'migrate' in command.script \
and 'or pass --delete-ghost-migrations' in command.stderr
def get_new_command(command, settings):
return u'{} --delete-ghost-migrations'.format(command.script)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
def match(command, settings):
return 'manage.py' in command.script and \
'migrate' in command.script \
and '--merge: will just attempt the migration' in command.stderr
def get_new_command(command, settings):
return u'{} --merge'.format(command.script)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import re
from thefuck import shells
def match(command, settings):
@ -12,4 +13,5 @@ def get_new_command(command, settings):
r"error: pathspec '([^']*)' "
"did not match any file\(s\) known to git.", command.stderr)[0]
return 'git add -- {} && {}'.format(missing_file, command.script)
formatme = shells.and_('git add -- {}', '{}')
return formatme.format(missing_file, command.script)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import re
from thefuck import shells
def match(command, settings):
@ -12,4 +13,5 @@ def get_new_command(command, settings):
r"error: pathspec '([^']*)' "
"did not match any file\(s\) known to git.", command.stderr)[0]
return 'git branch {} && {}'.format(missing_file, command.script)
formatme = shells.and_('git branch {}', '{}')
return formatme.format(missing_file, command.script)

thefuck/rules/git_pull.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
def match(command, settings):
return ('git' in command.script
and 'pull' in command.script
and 'set-upstream' in command.stderr)
def get_new_command(command, settings):
line = command.stderr.split('\n')[-3].strip()
branch = line.split(' ')[-1]
set_upstream = line.replace('<remote>', 'origin')\
.replace('<branch>', branch)
return u'{} && {}'.format(set_upstream, command.script)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
from thefuck import shells
def match(command, settings):
# catches "Please commit or stash them" and "Please, commit your changes or
# stash them before you can switch branches."
return 'git' in command.script and 'or stash them' in command.stderr
def get_new_command(command, settings):
formatme = shells.and_('git stash', '{}')
return formatme.format(command.script)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
def match(command, settings):
return (command.script.startswith('grep')
and 'is a directory' in command.stderr.lower())
def get_new_command(command, settings):
return 'grep -r {}'.format(command.script[5:])

View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
enabled_by_default = False
def match(command, settings):
return 'ls' in command.script and not ('ls -' in command.script)

thefuck/rules/man.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
def match(command, settings):
return command.script.strip().startswith('man ')
def get_new_command(command, settings):
if '3' in command.script:
return command.script.replace("3", "2")
if '2' in command.script:
return command.script.replace("2", "3")
split_cmd = command.script.split()
split_cmd.insert(1, ' 3 ')
return "".join(split_cmd)

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from difflib import get_close_matches
import os
from pathlib import Path
from thefuck.utils import sudo_support
from thefuck.shells import get_aliases
def _safe(fn, fallback):
@ -11,25 +12,25 @@ def _safe(fn, fallback):
return fallback
def _get_all_bins():
def _get_all_callables():
return [exe.name
for path in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(':')
for exe in _safe(lambda: list(Path(path).iterdir()), [])
if not _safe(exe.is_dir, True)]
if not _safe(exe.is_dir, True)] + get_aliases()
def match(command, settings):
return 'not found' in command.stderr and \
bool(get_close_matches(command.script.split(' ')[0],
def get_new_command(command, settings):
old_command = command.script.split(' ')[0]
new_command = get_close_matches(old_command,
return ' '.join([new_command] + command.script.split(' ')[1:])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import re
from thefuck import shells
patterns = (
r"mv: cannot move '[^']*' to '([^']*)': No such file or directory",
r"mv: cannot move '[^']*' to '([^']*)': Not a directory",
r"cp: cannot create regular file '([^']*)': No such file or directory",
r"cp: cannot create regular file '([^']*)': Not a directory",
def match(command, settings):
for pattern in patterns:
if re.search(pattern, command.stderr):
return True
return False
def get_new_command(command, settings):
for pattern in patterns:
file = re.findall(pattern, command.stderr)
if file:
file = file[0]
dir = file[0:file.rfind('/')]
formatme = shells.and_('mkdir -p {}', '{}')
return formatme.format(dir, command.script)

thefuck/rules/open.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Opens URL's in the default web browser
# Example:
# > open github.com
# The file ~/github.com does not exist.
# Perhaps you meant 'http://github.com'?
def match(command, settings):
return (command.script.startswith ('open')
and (
# Wanted to use this:
# 'http' in command.stderr
'.com' in command.script
or '.net' in command.script
or '.org' in command.script
or '.ly' in command.script
or '.io' in command.script
or '.se' in command.script
or '.edu' in command.script))
def get_new_command(command, settings):
return 'open http://' + command.script[5:]

View File

@ -1,23 +1,13 @@
import subprocess
from thefuck.utils import DEVNULL
def __command_available(command):
subprocess.check_output([command], stderr=DEVNULL)
return True
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# command exists but is not happy to be called without any argument
return True
except OSError:
return False
from thefuck.utils import DEVNULL, which
from thefuck import shells
def __get_pkgfile(command):
return subprocess.check_output(
['pkgfile', '-b', '-v', command.script.split(" ")[0]],
universal_newlines=True, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL
universal_newlines=True, stderr=DEVNULL
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return None
@ -30,14 +20,15 @@ def match(command, settings):
def get_new_command(command, settings):
package = __get_pkgfile(command)[0]
return '{} -S {} && {}'.format(pacman, package, command.script)
formatme = shells.and_('{} -S {}', '{}')
return formatme.format(pacman, package, command.script)
if not __command_available('pkgfile'):
if not which('pkgfile'):
enabled_by_default = False
elif __command_available('yaourt'):
elif which('yaourt'):
pacman = 'yaourt'
elif __command_available('pacman'):
elif which('pacman'):
pacman = 'sudo pacman'
enabled_by_default = False

thefuck/rules/whois.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
def match(command, settings):
What the `whois` command returns depends on the 'Whois server' it contacted
and is not consistent through different servers. But there can be only two
types of errors I can think of with `whois`:
- `whois https://en.wikipedia.org/` `whois en.wikipedia.org`;
- `whois en.wikipedia.org` `whois wikipedia.org`.
So we match any `whois` command and then:
- if there is a slash: keep only the FQDN;
- if there is no slash but there is a point: removes the left-most
We cannot either remove all subdomains because we cannot know which part is
the subdomains and which is the domain, consider:
- www.google.fr subdomain: www, domain: 'google.fr';
- google.co.uk subdomain: None, domain; 'google.co.uk'.
return 'whois' in command.script and len(command.script.split()) > 1
def get_new_command(command, settings):
url = command.script.split()[1]
if '/' in command.script:
return 'whois ' + urlparse(url).netloc
elif '.' in command.script:
return 'whois ' + '.'.join(urlparse(url).path.split('.')[1:])

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"""Module with shell specific actions, each shell class should
implement `from_shell`, `to_shell`, `app_alias` and `put_to_history`
implement `from_shell`, `to_shell`, `app_alias`, `put_to_history` and `get_aliases`
@ -8,15 +8,16 @@ from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from time import time
import os
from psutil import Process
from .utils import DEVNULL
from .utils import DEVNULL, memoize
class Generic(object):
def _get_aliases(self):
def get_aliases(self):
return {}
def _expand_aliases(self, command_script):
aliases = self._get_aliases()
aliases = self.get_aliases()
binary = command_script.split(' ')[0]
if binary in aliases:
return command_script.replace(binary, aliases[binary], 1)
@ -47,16 +48,24 @@ class Generic(object):
with open(history_file_name, 'a') as history:
def and_(self, *commands):
return ' && '.join(commands)
class Bash(Generic):
def app_alias(self):
return "\nalias fuck='eval $(thefuck $(fc -ln -1)); history -r'\n"
def _parse_alias(self, alias):
name, value = alias.replace('alias ', '', 1).split('=', 1)
if value[0] == value[-1] == '"' or value[0] == value[-1] == "'":
value = value[1:-1]
return name, value
def _get_aliases(self):
proc = Popen('bash -ic alias', stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL, shell=True)
def get_aliases(self):
proc = Popen('bash -ic alias', stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL,
return dict(
for alias in proc.stdout.read().decode('utf-8').split('\n')
@ -70,15 +79,52 @@ class Bash(Generic):
return u'{}\n'.format(command_script)
class Fish(Generic):
def app_alias(self):
return ("function fuck -d 'Correct your previous console command'\n"
" set -l exit_code $status\n"
" set -l eval_script"
" (mktemp 2>/dev/null ; or mktemp -t 'thefuck')\n"
" set -l fucked_up_commandd $history[1]\n"
" thefuck $fucked_up_commandd > $eval_script\n"
" . $eval_script\n"
" rm $eval_script\n"
" if test $exit_code -ne 0\n"
" history --delete $fucked_up_commandd\n"
" end\n"
def get_aliases(self):
proc = Popen('fish -ic functions', stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL,
functions = proc.stdout.read().decode('utf-8').strip().split('\n')
return {function: function for function in functions}
def _get_history_file_name(self):
return os.path.expanduser('~/.config/fish/fish_history')
def _get_history_line(self, command_script):
return u'- cmd: {}\n when: {}\n'.format(command_script, int(time()))
def and_(self, *commands):
return '; and '.join(commands)
class Zsh(Generic):
def app_alias(self):
return "\nalias fuck='eval $(thefuck $(fc -ln -1 | tail -n 1)); fc -R'\n"
def _parse_alias(self, alias):
name, value = alias.split('=', 1)
if value[0] == value[-1] == '"' or value[0] == value[-1] == "'":
value = value[1:-1]
return name, value
def _get_aliases(self):
proc = Popen('zsh -ic alias', stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL, shell=True)
def get_aliases(self):
proc = Popen('zsh -ic alias', stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL,
return dict(
for alias in proc.stdout.read().decode('utf-8').split('\n')
@ -92,13 +138,44 @@ class Zsh(Generic):
return u': {}:0;{}\n'.format(int(time()), command_script)
class Tcsh(Generic):
def app_alias(self):
return "\nalias fuck 'set fucked_cmd=`history -h 2 | head -n 1` && eval `thefuck ${fucked_cmd}`'\n"
def _parse_alias(self, alias):
name, value = alias.split("\t", 1)
return name, value
def get_aliases(self):
proc = Popen('tcsh -ic alias', stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL,
return dict(
for alias in proc.stdout.read().decode('utf-8').split('\n')
if alias and '\t' in alias)
def _get_history_file_name(self):
return os.environ.get("HISTFILE",
def _get_history_line(self, command_script):
return u'#+{}\n{}\n'.format(int(time()), command_script)
shells = defaultdict(lambda: Generic(), {
'bash': Bash(),
'zsh': Zsh()})
'fish': Fish(),
'zsh': Zsh(),
'csh': Tcsh(),
'tcsh': Tcsh()})
def _get_shell():
shell = Process(os.getpid()).parent().cmdline()[0]
shell = Process(os.getpid()).parent().name()
except TypeError:
shell = Process(os.getpid()).parent.name
return shells[shell]
@ -111,8 +188,16 @@ def to_shell(command):
def app_alias():
return _get_shell().app_alias()
def put_to_history(command):
return _get_shell().put_to_history(command)
def and_(*commands):
return _get_shell().and_(*commands)
def get_aliases():
return list(_get_shell().get_aliases().keys())

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from functools import wraps
import os
import pickle
import six
from .types import Command
@ -62,3 +63,19 @@ def sudo_support(fn):
return result
return wrapper
def memoize(fn):
"""Caches previous calls to the function."""
memo = {}
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
key = pickle.dumps((args, kwargs))
if key not in memo:
memo[key] = fn(*args, **kwargs)
return memo[key]
return wrapper