mirror of https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck.git synced 2025-03-27 13:09:00 +00:00

#N/A: Add prove_recursively rule

This commit is contained in:
Vladimir Iakovlev 2017-10-15 15:51:09 +02:00
parent e658f35bd9
commit a906a751c8
3 changed files with 68 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ using the matched rule and runs it. Rules enabled by default are as follows:
* `pip_unknown_command` – fixes wrong `pip` commands, for example `pip instatl/pip install`;
* `php_s` – replaces `-s` by `-S` when trying to run a local php server;
* `port_already_in_use` – kills process that bound port;
* `prove_recursively` – adds `-r` when called with directory;
* `python_command` – prepends `python` when you trying to run not executable/without `./` python script;
* `python_execute` – appends missing `.py` when executing Python files;
* `quotation_marks` – fixes uneven usage of `'` and `"` when containing args';

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import pytest
from thefuck.rules.prove_recursively import match, get_new_command
from thefuck.types import Command
output = '''Files=0, Tests=0, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.00 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.00 CPU)
Result: NOTESTS'''
def isdir(mocker):
return mocker.patch('thefuck.rules.prove_recursively'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('script, output', [
('prove -lv t', output),
('prove app/t', output)])
def test_match(isdir, script, output):
isdir.return_value = True
command = Command(script, output)
assert match(command)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('script, output, isdir_result', [
('prove -lv t', output, False),
('prove -r t', output, True),
('prove --recurse t', output, True)])
def test_not_match(isdir, script, output, isdir_result):
isdir.return_value = isdir_result
command = Command(script, output)
assert not match(command)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('before, after', [
('prove -lv t', 'prove -r -lv t'),
('prove t', 'prove -r t')])
def test_get_new_command(before, after):
command = Command(before, output)
assert get_new_command(command) == after

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import os
from thefuck.utils import for_app
def _is_recursive(part):
if part == '--recurse':
return True
elif not part.startswith('--') and part.startswith('-') and 'r' in part:
return True
def _isdir(part):
return not part.startswith('-') and os.path.isdir(part)
def match(command):
return (
'NOTESTS' in command.stdout
and not any(_is_recursive(part) for part in command.script_parts[1:])
and any(_isdir(part) for part in command.script_parts[1:]))
def get_new_command(command):
parts = command.script_parts[:]
parts.insert(1, '-r')
return u' '.join(parts)