mirror of https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck.git synced 2025-03-27 13:09:00 +00:00

Add ability to change settings via environment variables

This commit is contained in:
nvbn 2015-04-22 20:18:53 +02:00
parent b4b599df80
commit 69a9516477
8 changed files with 233 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -196,11 +196,18 @@ def get_new_command(command, settings):
The Fuck has a few settings parameters, they can be changed in `~/.thefuck/settings.py`:
* `rules` – list of enabled rules, by default all;
* `rules` – list of enabled rules, by default `thefuck.conf.DEFAULT`;
* `require_confirmation` – require confirmation before running new command, by default `False`;
* `wait_command` – max amount of time in seconds for getting previous command output;
* `no_colors` – disable colored output.
Or via environment variables:
* `THEFUCK_RULES` – list of enabled rules, like `DEFAULT:rm_root` or `sudo:no_command`;
* `THEFUCK_REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION` – require confirmation before running new command, `true/false`;
* `THEFUCK_WAIT_COMMAND` – max amount of time in seconds for getting previous command output;
* `THEFUCK_NO_COLORS` – disable colored output, `true/false`.
## Developing
Install `The Fuck` for development:

tests/test_conf.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
from mock import patch, Mock
from thefuck.main import Rule
from thefuck import conf
def test_rules_list():
assert conf.RulesList(['bash', 'lisp']) == ['bash', 'lisp']
assert conf.RulesList(['bash', 'lisp']) == conf.RulesList(['bash', 'lisp'])
assert Rule('lisp', None, None, False) in conf.RulesList(['lisp'])
assert Rule('bash', None, None, False) not in conf.RulesList(['lisp'])
def test_default():
assert Rule('test', None, None, True) in conf.DEFAULT
assert Rule('test', None, None, False) not in conf.DEFAULT
assert Rule('test', None, None, False) in (conf.DEFAULT + ['test'])
def test_settings_defaults():
with patch('thefuck.conf.load_source', return_value=object()), \
patch('thefuck.conf.os.environ', new_callable=lambda: {}):
for key, val in conf.Settings.defaults.items():
assert getattr(conf.Settings(Mock()), key) == val
def test_settings_from_file():
with patch('thefuck.conf.load_source', return_value=Mock(rules=['test'],
no_colors=True)), \
patch('thefuck.conf.os.environ', new_callable=lambda: {}):
settings = conf.Settings(Mock())
assert settings.rules == ['test']
assert settings.wait_command == 10
assert settings.require_confirmation is True
assert settings.no_colors is True
def test_settings_from_file_with_DEFAULT():
with patch('thefuck.conf.load_source', return_value=Mock(rules=conf.DEFAULT + ['test'],
no_colors=True)), \
patch('thefuck.conf.os.environ', new_callable=lambda: {}):
settings = conf.Settings(Mock())
assert settings.rules == conf.DEFAULT + ['test']
def test_settings_from_env():
with patch('thefuck.conf.load_source', return_value=Mock(rules=['test'],
wait_command=10)), \
new_callable=lambda: {'THEFUCK_RULES': 'bash:lisp',
'THEFUCK_NO_COLORS': 'false'}):
settings = conf.Settings(Mock())
assert settings.rules == ['bash', 'lisp']
assert settings.wait_command == 55
assert settings.require_confirmation is True
assert settings.no_colors is False
def test_settings_from_env_with_DEFAULT():
with patch('thefuck.conf.load_source', return_value=Mock()), \
patch('thefuck.conf.os.environ', new_callable=lambda: {'THEFUCK_RULES': 'DEFAULT:bash:lisp'}):
settings = conf.Settings(Mock())
assert settings.rules == conf.DEFAULT + ['bash', 'lisp']
def test_update_settings():
settings = conf.BaseSettings({'key': 'val'})
new_settings = settings.update(key='new-val')
assert new_settings.key == 'new-val'
assert settings.key == 'val'

View File

@ -1,25 +1,7 @@
from subprocess import PIPE
from pathlib import PosixPath, Path
from mock import patch, Mock
from thefuck import main
def test_get_settings():
with patch('thefuck.main.load_source', return_value=Mock(rules=['bash'])):
assert main.get_settings(Path('/')).rules == ['bash']
with patch('thefuck.main.load_source', return_value=Mock(spec=[])):
assert main.get_settings(Path('/')).rules is None
def test_is_rule_enabled():
assert main.is_rule_enabled(Mock(rules=None),
main.Rule('bash', None, None, True))
assert not main.is_rule_enabled(Mock(rules=None),
main.Rule('bash', None, None, False))
assert main.is_rule_enabled(Mock(rules=['bash']),
main.Rule('bash', None, None, True))
assert not main.is_rule_enabled(Mock(rules=['bash']),
main.Rule('lisp', None, None, True))
from thefuck import main, conf
def test_load_rule():
@ -43,14 +25,16 @@ def test_get_rules():
glob.return_value = [PosixPath('bash.py'), PosixPath('lisp.py')]
assert list(main.get_rules(
Mock(rules=None))) == [main.Rule('bash', 'bash', 'bash', True),
main.Rule('lisp', 'lisp', 'lisp', True),
main.Rule('bash', 'bash', 'bash', True),
main.Rule('lisp', 'lisp', 'lisp', True)]
Mock(rules=conf.DEFAULT))) \
== [main.Rule('bash', 'bash', 'bash', True),
main.Rule('lisp', 'lisp', 'lisp', True),
main.Rule('bash', 'bash', 'bash', True),
main.Rule('lisp', 'lisp', 'lisp', True)]
assert list(main.get_rules(
Mock(rules=['bash']))) == [main.Rule('bash', 'bash', 'bash', True),
main.Rule('bash', 'bash', 'bash', True)]
Mock(rules=conf.RulesList(['bash'])))) \
== [main.Rule('bash', 'bash', 'bash', True),
main.Rule('bash', 'bash', 'bash', True)]
def test_get_command():

View File

@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
from mock import Mock
from thefuck.utils import sudo_support
from thefuck.utils import sudo_support, wrap_settings
from thefuck.main import Command
from thefuck.conf import BaseSettings
def test_wrap_settings():
fn = lambda _, settings: settings._conf
assert wrap_settings({'key': 'val'})(fn)(None, BaseSettings({})) \
== {'key': 'val'}
assert wrap_settings({'key': 'new-val'})(fn)(
None, BaseSettings({'key': 'val'})) == {'key': 'new-val'}
def test_sudo_support():

thefuck/conf.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
from copy import copy
from imp import load_source
import os
import sys
from six import text_type
from . import logs
class RulesList(object):
"""Wrapper a top of list for string rules names."""
def __init__(self, rules):
self.rules = rules
def __contains__(self, item):
return item.name in self.rules
def __getattr__(self, item):
return getattr(self.rules, item)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.rules == other
class _DefaultRules(RulesList):
def __add__(self, items):
return _DefaultRules(self.rules + items)
def __contains__(self, item):
return item.enabled_by_default or \
super(_DefaultRules, self).__contains__(item)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, _DefaultRules):
return self.rules == other.rules
return False
DEFAULT = _DefaultRules([])
class BaseSettings(object):
def __init__(self, conf):
self._conf = conf
def __getattr__(self, item):
return self._conf.get(item)
def update(self, **kwargs):
"""Returns new settings with new values from `kwargs`."""
conf = copy(self._conf)
return BaseSettings(conf)
class Settings(BaseSettings):
"""Settings loaded from defaults/file/env."""
defaults = {'rules': DEFAULT,
'wait_command': 3,
'require_confirmation': False,
'no_colors': False}
env_to_attr = {'THEFUCK_RULES': 'rules',
'THEFUCK_WAIT_COMMAND': 'wait_command',
'THEFUCK_REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION': 'require_confirmation',
'THEFUCK_NO_COLORS': 'no_colors'}
def __init__(self, user_dir):
super(Settings, self).__init__(self._load_conf(user_dir))
def _load_conf(self, user_dir):
conf = copy(self.defaults)
logs.exception("Can't load settings from file",
logs.exception("Can't load settings from env",
if not isinstance(conf['rules'], RulesList):
conf['rules'] = RulesList(conf['rules'])
return conf
def _load_from_file(self, user_dir):
"""Loads settings from file."""
settings = load_source('settings',
return {key: getattr(settings, key)
for key in self.defaults.keys()
if hasattr(settings, key)}
def _load_from_env(self):
"""Loads settings from env."""
return {attr: self._val_from_env(env, attr)
for env, attr in self.env_to_attr.items()
if env in os.environ}
def _val_from_env(self, env, attr):
"""Transforms env-strings to python."""
val = os.environ[env]
if attr == 'rules':
val = self._rules_from_env(val)
elif attr == 'wait_command':
val = int(val)
elif attr in ('require_confirmation', 'no_colors'):
val = val.lower() == 'true'
return val
def _rules_from_env(self, val):
"""Transforms rules list from env-string to python."""
val = val.split(':')
if 'DEFAULT' in val:
val = DEFAULT + [rule for rule in val if rule != 'DEFAULT']
return val

View File

@ -11,17 +11,21 @@ def color(color_, settings):
return color_
def rule_failed(rule, exc_info, settings):
def exception(title, exc_info, settings):
u'{warn}[WARN] Rule {name}:{reset}\n{trace}'
u'{warn}[WARN] {title}:{reset}\n{trace}'
warn=color(colorama.Back.RED + colorama.Fore.WHITE
+ colorama.Style.BRIGHT, settings),
reset=color(colorama.Style.RESET_ALL, settings),
def rule_failed(rule, exc_info, settings):
exception('Rule {}'.format(rule.name), exc_info, settings)
def show_command(new_command, settings):

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import os
import sys
from psutil import Process, TimeoutExpired
import colorama
from thefuck import logs
from . import logs, conf
Command = namedtuple('Command', ('script', 'stdout', 'stderr'))
@ -25,30 +25,6 @@ def setup_user_dir():
return user_dir
def get_settings(user_dir):
"""Returns prepared settings module."""
settings = load_source('settings',
settings.__dict__.setdefault('rules', None)
settings.__dict__.setdefault('wait_command', 3)
settings.__dict__.setdefault('require_confirmation', False)
settings.__dict__.setdefault('no_colors', False)
return settings
def is_rule_enabled(settings, rule):
"""Returns `True` when rule mentioned in `rules` or `rules`
isn't defined.
if settings.rules is None and rule.enabled_by_default:
return True
elif settings.rules and rule.name in settings.rules:
return True
return False
def load_rule(rule):
"""Imports rule module and returns it."""
rule_module = load_source(rule.name[:-3], str(rule))
@ -66,7 +42,7 @@ def get_rules(user_dir, settings):
for rule in sorted(list(bundled)) + list(user):
if rule.name != '__init__.py':
loaded_rule = load_rule(rule)
if is_rule_enabled(settings, loaded_rule):
if loaded_rule in settings.rules:
yield loaded_rule
@ -145,7 +121,7 @@ def is_second_run(command):
def main():
user_dir = setup_user_dir()
settings = get_settings(user_dir)
settings = conf.Settings(user_dir)
command = get_command(settings, sys.argv)
if command:

View File

@ -37,10 +37,7 @@ def wrap_settings(params):
def decorator(fn):
def wrapper(command, settings):
for key, val in params.items():
if not hasattr(settings, key):
setattr(settings, key, val)
return fn(command, settings)
return fn(command, settings.update(**params))
return wrapper
return decorator