parameter more flexible
The `--style` parameter now accepts a comma-separated list of strings, where every element defines either a single output component (`changes`, `grid`, `header`, `numbers`) or a predefined style (`full`, `line-numbers`, `plain`). If available, bat picks the first predefined style in the user-supplied style-list and ignores everything else. If no predefined style was requested, the other parameters that are simple output components will be used. Examples: --style changes,full,numbers Will internally be reduced to only the predefined style `full`. --style plain,full Will internally be reduced to only the predefined style `plain`. --style changes,numbers Will not be reduced, because the list does not contain any predefined styles. (Note: if `grid` is requested but no other parameters, bat still creates the left-most column with a width of `PANEL_WIDTH`. I didn't want to introduce further logic in this PR that drops or adapts the width of the left column.)
A cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration.
Syntax highlighting
supports syntax highlighting for a large number of programming and markup
Git integration
communicates with git
to show modifications with respect to the index
(see left side bar):
Automatic paging
can pipe its own output to less
if the output is too large for one screen.
File concatenation
Oh.. you can also use it to concatenate files 😉. Whenever
detects a non-interactive terminal, it will fall back to printing
the plain file contents.
Display a single file on the terminal
> bat README.md
Display multiple files at once
> bat src/*.rs
Explicitly specify the language
> yaml2json .travis.yml | json_pp | bat -l json
> curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sharkdp/bat/master/src/main.rs | bat -l rs
From binaries
Check out the Release page for binary builds and Debian packages.
Arch Linux
On Arch Linux, you can install the AUR package via yaourt, or manually:
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/bat.git
cd bat
makepkg -si
From source
If you want to build to compile bat
from source, you need Rust 1.24 or
higher. You can then use cargo
to build everything:
cargo install bat
On macOS, you might have to install cmake
(brew install cmake
) in order for
some dependencies to be built.
uses the excellent syntect
library for syntax highlighting. syntect
can read any
Sublime Text .sublime-syntax
and theme.
To build your own language-set and theme, follow these steps:
Create a folder with a syntax highlighting theme:
BAT_CONFIG_DIR="$(bat cache --config-dir)"
mkdir -p "$BAT_CONFIG_DIR/themes"
cd "$BAT_CONFIG_DIR/themes"
# Download a theme, for example:
git clone https://github.com/jonschlinkert/sublime-monokai-extended
# Create a 'Default.tmTheme' link
ln -s "sublime-monokai-extended/Monokai Extended.tmTheme" Default.tmTheme
Create a folder with language definition files:
mkdir -p "$BAT_CONFIG_DIR/syntax"
cd "$BAT_CONFIG_DIR/syntax"
# Download some language definition files, for example:
git clone https://github.com/sublimehq/Packages/
rm -rf Packages/Markdown
git clone https://github.com/jonschlinkert/sublime-markdown-extended
Finally, use the following command to parse all these files into a binary cache:
bat cache --init
If you ever want to go back to the default settings, call:
bat cache --clear