mirror of https://github.com/sharkdp/bat.git synced 2025-01-18 20:11:03 +00:00
Marc Poulhiès 06b403aa92 Add syntax support for Ada
Add submodule with sublime syntax.

Add corresponding tests for both Ada (in adb/ads) and for the companion tool

fixes #1300

Signed-off-by: Marc Poulhiès <dkm@kataplop.net>
2022-09-14 22:49:39 +02:00

309 lines
33 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

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This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

with Chests.Ring_Buffers;
with USB.Device.HID.Keyboard;
package body Click is
 -- Ideally, in a separate package.
 -- should be [], but not fixed yet in GCC 11.
 Current_Status : Key_Matrix := [others => [others => False]];
 New_Status : Key_Matrix := [others => [others => False]];
 Since : Natural := 0;
 -- Nb_Bounce : Natural := 5;
 function Update (NewS : Key_Matrix) return Boolean is
 -- The new state is the same as the current stable state => Do nothing.
 if Current_Status = NewS then
 Since := 0;
 return False;
 end if;
 if New_Status /= NewS then
 -- The new state differs from the previous
 -- new state (bouncing) => reset
 New_Status := NewS;
 Since := 1;
 -- The new state hasn't changed since last
 -- update => towards stabilization.
 Since := Since + 1;
 end if;
 if Since > Nb_Bounce then
 Tmp : constant Key_Matrix := Current_Status;
 -- New state has been stable enough.
 -- Latch it and notifies caller.
 Current_Status := New_Status;
 New_Status := Tmp;
 Since := 0;
 return True;
 -- Not there yet
 return False;
 end if;
 end Update;
 procedure Get_Matrix;
 -- Could use := []; but GNAT 12 has a bug (fixed in upcoming 13)
 Read_Status : Key_Matrix := [others => [others => False]];
 function Get_Events return Events is
 Num_Evt : Natural := 0;
 New_S : Key_Matrix renames Read_Status;
 if Update (New_S) then
 for I in Current_Status'Range (1) loop
 for J in Current_Status'Range (2) loop
 if (not New_Status (I, J) and then Current_Status (I, J))
 or else (New_Status (I, J) and then not Current_Status (I, J))
 Num_Evt := Num_Evt + 1;
 end if;
 end loop;
 end loop;
 Evts : Events (Natural range 1 .. Num_Evt);
 Cursor : Natural range 1 .. Num_Evt + 1 := 1;
 for I in Current_Status'Range (1) loop
 for J in Current_Status'Range (2) loop
 if not New_Status (I, J)
 and then Current_Status (I, J)
 -- Pressing I, J
 Evts (Cursor) := [
 Evt => Press,
 Col => I,
 Row => J
 Cursor := Cursor + 1;
 elsif New_Status (I, J)
 and then not Current_Status (I, J)
 -- Release I, J
 Evts (Cursor) := [
 Evt => Release,
 Col => I,
 Row => J
 Cursor := Cursor + 1;
 end if;
 end loop;
 end loop;
 return Evts;
 end if;
 return [];
 end Get_Events;
 procedure Get_Matrix is -- return Key_Matrix is
 for Row in Keys.Rows'Range loop
 Keys.Rows (Row).Clear;
 for Col in Keys.Cols'Range loop
 Read_Status (Col, Row) := not Keys.Cols (Col).Set;
 end loop;
 Keys.Rows (Row).Set;
 end loop;
 end Get_Matrix;
 -- End of DEBOUNCE
 -- Layout --
 package Events_Ring_Buffers is new Chests.Ring_Buffers
 (Element_Type => Event,
 Capacity => 16);
 Queued_Events : Events_Ring_Buffers.Ring_Buffer;
 type Statet is (Normal_Key, Layer_Mod, None);
 type State is record
 Typ : Statet;
 Code : Key_Code_T;
 Layer_Value : Natural;
 -- Col : ColR;
 -- Row : RowR;
 end record;
 type State_Array is array (ColR, RowR) of State;
 States : State_Array := [others => [others => (Typ => None, Code => No, Layer_Value => 0)]];
 function Kw (Code : Key_Code_T) return Action is
 return (T => Key, C => Code, L => 0);
 end Kw;
 function Lw (V : Natural) return Action is
 return (T => Layer, C => No, L => V);
 end Lw;
 -- FIXME: hardcoded max number of events
 subtype Events_Range is Natural range 0 .. 60;
 type Array_Of_Reg_Events is array (Events_Range) of Event;
 Stamp : Natural := 0;
 procedure Register_Events (L : Layout; Es : Events) is
 Stamp := Stamp + 1;
 Log ("Reg events: " & Stamp'Image);
 Log (Es'Length'Image);
 for E of Es loop
 if Events_Ring_Buffers.Is_Full (Queued_Events) then
 raise Program_Error;
 end if;
 Events_Ring_Buffers.Append (Queued_Events, E);
 -- Log ("Reg'ed events:" & Events_Mark'Image);
 Log ("Reg'ed events:" & Events_Ring_Buffers.Length (Queued_Events)'Image);
 end loop;
 end Register_Events;
 procedure Release (Col: Colr; Row: Rowr) is
 if States (Col, Row).Typ = None then
 raise Program_Error;
 end if;
 States (Col, Row) := (Typ => None, Code => No, Layer_Value => 0);
 end Release;
 function Get_Current_Layer return Natural is
 L : Natural := 0;
 for S of States loop
 if S.Typ = Layer_Mod then
 L := L + S.Layer_Value;
 end if;
 end loop;
 return L;
 end Get_Current_Layer;
 -- Tick the event.
 -- Returns TRUE if it needs to stay in the queued events
 -- FALSE if the event has been consumed.
 function Tick (L: Layout; E : in out Event) return Boolean is
 Current_Layer : Natural := Get_Current_Layer;
 A : Action renames L (Current_Layer, E.Row, E.Col);
 case E.Evt is
 when Press =>
 case A.T is
 when Key =>
 States (E.Col, E.Row) :=
 (Typ => Normal_Key,
 Code => A.C,
 Layer_Value => 0);
 when Layer =>
 States (E.Col, E.Row) := (Typ => Layer_Mod, Layer_Value => A.L, Code => No);
 when others =>
 raise Program_Error;
 end case;
 when Release =>
 Release (E.Col, E.Row);
 end case;
 return False;
 end Tick;
 Last_Was_Empty_Log : Boolean := False;
 procedure Tick (L : Layout) is
 for I in 1 .. Events_Ring_Buffers.Length(Queued_Events) loop
 E : Event := Events_Ring_Buffers.Last_Element (Queued_Events);
 Events_Ring_Buffers.Delete_Last (Queued_Events);
 if Tick (L, E) then
 Events_Ring_Buffers.Prepend (Queued_Events, E);
 end if;
 end loop;
 if not Last_Was_Empty_Log or else Events_Ring_Buffers.Length(Queued_Events) /= 0 then
 Log ("End Tick layout, events: " & Events_Ring_Buffers.Length(Queued_Events)'Image);
 Last_Was_Empty_Log := Events_Ring_Buffers.Length(Queued_Events) = 0;
 end if;
 end Tick;
 function Get_Key_Codes return Key_Codes_T is
 Codes : Key_Codes_T (0 .. 10);
 Wm: Natural := 0;
 for S of States loop
 if S.Typ = Normal_Key and then
 (S.Code < LCtrl or else S.Code > RGui)
 Codes (Wm) := S.Code;
 Wm := Wm + 1;
 end if;
 end loop;
 if Wm = 0 then
 return [];
 return Codes (0 .. Wm - 1);
 end if;
 end Get_Key_Codes;
 function Get_Modifiers return Key_Modifiers is
 use USB.Device.HID.Keyboard;
 KM : Key_Modifiers (1..8);
 I : Natural := 0;
 for S of States loop
 if S.Typ = Normal_Key then
 I := I + 1;
 case S.Code is
 when LCtrl =>
 KM(I) := Ctrl_Left;
 when RCtrl =>
 KM(I) := Ctrl_Right;
 when LShift =>
 KM(I) := Shift_Left;
 when RShift =>
 KM(I) := Shift_Right;
 when LAlt =>
 KM(I) := Alt_Left;
 when RAlt =>
 KM(I) := Alt_Right;
 when LGui =>
 KM(I) := Meta_Left;
 when RGui =>
 KM(I) := Meta_Right;
 when others =>
 I := I - 1;
 end case;
 end if;
 end loop;
 return KM (1..I);
 end Get_Modifiers;
 procedure Init is
 Events_Ring_Buffers.Clear (Queued_Events);
 end Init;
end Click;