// `error_chain!` can recurse deeply #![recursion_limit = "1024"] #[macro_use] extern crate error_chain; #[macro_use] extern crate clap; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; extern crate ansi_term; extern crate atty; extern crate console; extern crate directories; extern crate git2; extern crate syntect; mod assets; mod diff; mod printer; mod terminal; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::env; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::{self, BufRead, BufReader, Write}; use std::process::{self, Child, Command, Stdio}; use std::str::FromStr; #[cfg(unix)] use std::os::unix::fs::FileTypeExt; use ansi_term::Colour::{Fixed, Green, Red, White, Yellow}; use ansi_term::Style; use atty::Stream; use clap::{App, AppSettings, Arg, ArgGroup, SubCommand}; use syntect::easy::HighlightLines; use syntect::highlighting::Theme; use syntect::parsing::SyntaxSet; use assets::{config_dir, syntax_set_path, theme_set_path, HighlightingAssets}; use diff::get_git_diff; use printer::Printer; mod errors { error_chain! { foreign_links { Clap(::clap::Error); Io(::std::io::Error); } errors { NoCorrectStylesSpecified { description("no correct styles specified") } UnknownStyleName(name: String) { description("unknown style name") display("unknown style name: '{}'", name) } } } } use errors::*; #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Hash)] pub enum OutputComponent { Changes, Grid, Header, Numbers, Full, Plain, } impl OutputComponent { fn components(&self) -> &'static [OutputComponent] { match *self { OutputComponent::Changes => &[OutputComponent::Changes], OutputComponent::Grid => &[OutputComponent::Grid], OutputComponent::Header => &[OutputComponent::Header], OutputComponent::Numbers => &[OutputComponent::Numbers], OutputComponent::Full => &[ OutputComponent::Changes, OutputComponent::Grid, OutputComponent::Header, OutputComponent::Numbers, ], OutputComponent::Plain => &[], } } } impl FromStr for OutputComponent { type Err = Error; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { match s { "changes" => Ok(OutputComponent::Changes), "grid" => Ok(OutputComponent::Grid), "header" => Ok(OutputComponent::Header), "numbers" => Ok(OutputComponent::Numbers), "full" => Ok(OutputComponent::Full), "plain" => Ok(OutputComponent::Plain), _ => Err(ErrorKind::UnknownStyleName(s.to_owned()).into()), } } } pub struct OutputComponents(HashSet); impl OutputComponents { fn changes(&self) -> bool { self.0.contains(&OutputComponent::Changes) } fn grid(&self) -> bool { self.0.contains(&OutputComponent::Grid) } fn header(&self) -> bool { self.0.contains(&OutputComponent::Header) } fn numbers(&self) -> bool { self.0.contains(&OutputComponent::Numbers) } } pub struct Options<'a> { pub true_color: bool, pub output_components: OutputComponents, pub language: Option<&'a str>, pub colored_output: bool, pub paging: bool, pub term_width: usize, } enum OutputType { Pager(Child), Stdout(io::Stdout), } impl OutputType { fn pager() -> Result { Ok(OutputType::Pager(Command::new("less") .args(&["--quit-if-one-screen", "--RAW-CONTROL-CHARS", "--no-init"]) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .chain_err(|| "Could not spawn pager")?)) } fn stdout() -> Self { OutputType::Stdout(io::stdout()) } fn handle(&mut self) -> Result<&mut Write> { Ok(match *self { OutputType::Pager(ref mut command) => command .stdin .as_mut() .chain_err(|| "Could not open stdin for pager")?, OutputType::Stdout(ref mut handle) => handle, }) } } impl Drop for OutputType { fn drop(&mut self) { if let OutputType::Pager(ref mut command) = *self { let _ = command.wait(); } } } const GRID_COLOR: u8 = 238; const LINE_NUMBER_COLOR: u8 = 244; #[derive(Default)] pub struct Colors { pub grid: Style, pub filename: Style, pub git_added: Style, pub git_removed: Style, pub git_modified: Style, pub line_number: Style, } impl Colors { fn plain() -> Self { Colors::default() } fn colored() -> Self { Colors { grid: Fixed(GRID_COLOR).normal(), filename: White.bold(), git_added: Green.normal(), git_removed: Red.normal(), git_modified: Yellow.normal(), line_number: Fixed(LINE_NUMBER_COLOR).normal(), } } } fn print_file( options: &Options, theme: &Theme, syntax_set: &SyntaxSet, printer: &mut Printer, filename: Option<&str>, ) -> Result<()> { let stdin = io::stdin(); // TODO: this is not always needed let mut reader: Box = match filename { None => Box::new(stdin.lock()), Some(filename) => Box::new(BufReader::new(File::open(filename)?)), }; let syntax = match (options.language, filename) { (Some(language), _) => syntax_set.find_syntax_by_token(language), (None, Some(filename)) => { #[cfg(not(unix))] let may_read_from_file = true; // Do not peek at the file (to determine the syntax) if it is a FIFO because they can // only be read once. #[cfg(unix)] let may_read_from_file = !fs::metadata(filename)?.file_type().is_fifo(); if may_read_from_file { syntax_set.find_syntax_for_file(filename)? } else { None } } (None, None) => None, }; let syntax = syntax.unwrap_or_else(|| syntax_set.find_syntax_plain_text()); let mut highlighter = HighlightLines::new(syntax, theme); printer.print_header(filename)?; let mut line_nr = 1; let mut line_buffer = String::new(); loop { line_buffer.clear(); let num_bytes = reader.read_line(&mut line_buffer); let line = match num_bytes { Ok(0) => { break; } Ok(_) => { if !line_buffer.ends_with("\n") { line_buffer.push('\n'); } &line_buffer } Err(_) => "\n", }; let regions = highlighter.highlight(line); printer.print_line(line_nr, ®ions)?; line_nr += 1; } printer.print_footer()?; Ok(()) } fn get_output_type(paging: bool) -> OutputType { if paging { OutputType::pager().unwrap_or_else(|_| OutputType::stdout()) } else { OutputType::stdout() } } fn is_truecolor_terminal() -> bool { env::var("COLORTERM") .map(|colorterm| colorterm == "truecolor" || colorterm == "24bit") .unwrap_or(false) } fn run() -> Result<()> { let interactive_terminal = atty::is(Stream::Stdout); let clap_color_setting = if interactive_terminal { AppSettings::ColoredHelp } else { AppSettings::ColorNever }; let app_matches = App::new(crate_name!()) .version(crate_version!()) .global_setting(clap_color_setting) .global_setting(AppSettings::DeriveDisplayOrder) .global_setting(AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage) .global_setting(AppSettings::NextLineHelp) .setting(AppSettings::InferSubcommands) .setting(AppSettings::ArgsNegateSubcommands) .setting(AppSettings::DisableHelpSubcommand) .setting(AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands) .max_term_width(90) .about(crate_description!()) .arg( Arg::with_name("language") .short("l") .long("language") .help("Set the language for highlighting") .takes_value(true), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("FILE") .help("File(s) to print") .multiple(true) .empty_values(false), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("style") .long("style") .use_delimiter(true) .takes_value(true) .possible_values(&["full", "plain", "changes", "header", "grid", "numbers"]) .default_value("full") .help("Additional info to display along with content"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("color") .long("color") .takes_value(true) .possible_values(&["auto", "never", "always"]) .default_value("auto") .help("When to use colors"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("paging") .long("paging") .takes_value(true) .possible_values(&["auto", "never", "always"]) .default_value("auto") .help("When to use the pager"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("list-languages") .long("list-languages") .help("Displays supported languages"), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("cache") .about("Modify the syntax-definition and theme cache") .arg( Arg::with_name("init") .long("init") .short("i") .help("Initialize the cache by loading from the config dir"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("clear") .long("clear") .short("c") .help("Reset the cache"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("config-dir") .long("config-dir") .short("d") .help("Show the configuration directory"), ) .group( ArgGroup::with_name("cache-actions") .args(&["init", "clear", "config-dir"]) .required(true), ), ) .help_message("Print this help message.") .version_message("Show version information.") .get_matches(); match app_matches.subcommand() { ("cache", Some(cache_matches)) => { if cache_matches.is_present("init") { let assets = HighlightingAssets::from_files()?; assets.save()?; } else if cache_matches.is_present("clear") { print!("Clearing theme set cache ... "); fs::remove_file(theme_set_path())?; println!("okay"); print!("Clearing syntax set cache ... "); fs::remove_file(syntax_set_path())?; println!("okay"); } else if cache_matches.is_present("config-dir") { println!("{}", config_dir()); } } _ => { let files: Vec> = app_matches .values_of("FILE") .map(|values| { values .map(|filename| { if filename == "-" { None } else { Some(filename) } }) .collect() }) .unwrap_or_else(|| vec![None]); // read from stdin (None) if no args are given let output_components = values_t!(app_matches.values_of("style"), OutputComponent)? .into_iter() .map(|style| style.components()) .fold(HashSet::new(), |mut acc, components| { acc.extend(components.iter().cloned()); acc }); let options = Options { true_color: is_truecolor_terminal(), output_components: OutputComponents(output_components), language: app_matches.value_of("language"), colored_output: match app_matches.value_of("color") { Some("always") => true, Some("never") => false, _ => interactive_terminal, }, paging: match app_matches.value_of("paging") { Some("always") => true, Some("never") => false, Some("auto") | _ => if files.contains(&None) { // If we are reading from stdin, only enable paging if we write to an // interactive terminal and if we do not *read* from an interactive // terminal. interactive_terminal && !atty::is(Stream::Stdin) } else { interactive_terminal }, }, term_width: console::Term::stdout().size().1 as usize, }; let assets = HighlightingAssets::new(); let theme = assets.default_theme()?; if app_matches.is_present("list-languages") { let languages = assets.syntax_set.syntaxes(); let longest = languages .iter() .filter(|s| !s.hidden && s.file_extensions.len() > 0) .map(|s| s.name.len()) .max() .unwrap_or(32); // Fallback width if they have no language definitions. let separator = " "; for lang in languages { if lang.hidden || lang.file_extensions.len() == 0 { continue; } print!("{:width$}{}", lang.name, separator, width = longest); // Line-wrapping for the possible file extension overflow. let desired_width = options.term_width - longest - separator.len(); // Number of characters on this line so far, wrap before `desired_width` let mut num_chars = 0; let comma_separator = ", "; let mut extension = lang.file_extensions.iter().peekable(); while let Some(word) = extension.next() { // If we can't fit this word in, then create a line break and align it in. let new_chars = word.len() + comma_separator.len(); if num_chars + new_chars >= desired_width { num_chars = 0; print!("\n{:width$}{}", "", separator, width = longest); } num_chars += new_chars; print!("{}", Green.paint(word as &str)); if extension.peek().is_some() { print!("{}", comma_separator); } } println!(); } return Ok(()); } let mut output_type = get_output_type(options.paging); let handle = output_type.handle()?; let mut printer = Printer::new(handle, &options); for file in files { printer.line_changes = file.and_then(|filename| get_git_diff(filename)); print_file(&options, theme, &assets.syntax_set, &mut printer, file)?; } } } Ok(()) } fn main() { let result = run(); if let Err(error) = result { match error { Error(ErrorKind::Io(ref io_error), _) if io_error.kind() == io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe => {} _ => { eprintln!("{}: {}", Red.paint("[bat error]"), error); process::exit(1); } }; } }