diff --git syntaxes/01_Packages/Markdown/Markdown.sublime-syntax syntaxes/01_Packages/Markdown/Markdown.sublime-syntax
index 19dc685d..6afd87ae 100644
--- syntaxes/01_Packages/Markdown/Markdown.sublime-syntax
+++ syntaxes/01_Packages/Markdown/Markdown.sublime-syntax
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ variables:
             [ \t]*$                          # followed by any number of tabs or spaces, followed by the end of the line
-    setext_escape: ^(?=\s{0,3}(?:---+|===+)\s*$)
     block_quote: (?:[ ]{,3}>(?:.|$))         # between 0 and 3 spaces, followed by a greater than sign, followed by any character or the end of the line
     atx_heading: (?:[#]{1,6}\s*)             # between 1 and 6 hashes, followed by any amount of whitespace
     indented_code_block: (?:[ ]{4}|\t)       # 4 spaces or a tab
@@ -277,69 +276,40 @@ contexts:
         8: markup.underline.link.markdown
       push: [link-ref-def, after-link-title, link-title]
     - match: '^(?=\S)(?![=-]{3,}\s*$)'
-      branch_point: heading2-branch
-      branch:
-        - not-heading2
-        - heading2
-  not-paragraph:
-    - match: |-
-        (?x)                         # pop out of this context when one of the following conditions are met:
-        ^(?:
-            \s*$                     # the line is blank (or only contains whitespace)
-        |   (?=
-                {{block_quote}}      # a block quote begins the line
-            |   [ ]{,3}[*+-][ ]      # an unordered list item begins the line
-            |   [ ]{,3}1[.][ ]       # an ordered list item with number "1" begins the line
-            |   \#                   # an ATX heading begins the line
-            |   [ ]{,3}<(            # all types of HTML blocks except type 7 may interrupt a paragraph
-                  {{html_tag_block_end_at_close_tag}}   # 1
-                | !--                                   # 2
-                | \?                                    # 3
-                | ![A-Z]                                # 4
-                | !\[CDATA\[                            # 5
-                | {{html_tag_block_end_at_blank_line}}  # 6
+      push:
+        - meta_scope: meta.paragraph.markdown
+        - match: |-
+            (?x)                         # pop out of this context when one of the following conditions are met:
+            ^(?:
+                \s*$                     # the line is blank (or only contains whitespace)
+            |   (?=
+                    {{block_quote}}      # a block quote begins the line
+                |   [ ]{,3}[*+-][ ]      # an unordered list item begins the line
+                |   [ ]{,3}1[.][ ]       # an ordered list item with number "1" begins the line
+                |   \#                   # an ATX heading begins the line
+                |   [ ]{,3}<(            # all types of HTML blocks except type 7 may interrupt a paragraph
+                      {{html_tag_block_end_at_close_tag}}   # 1
+                    | !--                                   # 2
+                    | \?                                    # 3
+                    | ![A-Z]                                # 4
+                    | !\[CDATA\[                            # 5
+                    | {{html_tag_block_end_at_blank_line}}  # 6
+                    )
-        )
-      pop: true
-  not-heading2:
-    - include: not-paragraph
-    - match: (?=\S)
-      branch_point: heading1-branch
-      branch:
-        - paragraph
-        - heading1
-    - match: ''
-      pop: true
-  paragraph:
-      - meta_scope: meta.paragraph.markdown
-      - match: ^\s{0,3}===+\s*$
-        fail: heading1-branch
-      - match: ^\s{0,3}---+\s*$
-        fail: heading2-branch
-      - include: not-paragraph
-      - include: inline-bold-italic-linebreak
-      - include: scope:text.html.basic
-  heading1:
-    - meta_scope: markup.heading.1.markdown
-    - include: inline-bold-italic-linebreak
-    - match: '^[ \t]{0,3}(={3,})(?=[ \t]*$)'
-      captures:
-        1: markup.heading.1.setext.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.setext.markdown
-      pop: true
-  heading2:
-    - meta_scope: markup.heading.2.markdown
-    - include: inline-bold-italic-linebreak
-    - match: '^[ \t]{0,3}(-{3,})(?=[ \t]*$)'
-      captures:
-        1: markup.heading.2.setext.markdown punctuation.definition.heading.setext.markdown
-      pop: true
+          pop: true
+        - include: inline-bold-italic-linebreak
+        - include: scope:text.html.basic
+        - match: '^(={3,})(?=[ \t]*$)'
+          scope: markup.heading.1.setext.markdown
+          captures:
+            1: punctuation.definition.heading.setext.markdown
+          pop: true
+        - match: '^(-{3,})(?=[ \t]*$)'
+          scope: markup.heading.2.setext.markdown
+          captures:
+            1: punctuation.definition.heading.setext.markdown
+          pop: true
     - meta_scope: meta.link.reference.def.markdown
     - match: ''
@@ -430,8 +400,6 @@ contexts:
         - meta_scope: markup.bold.markdown
         - meta_content_scope: markup.italic.markdown
-        - match: '{{setext_escape}}'
-          pop: true
         - match: |-
                 [ \t]*\*{4,}    # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic
@@ -446,8 +414,6 @@ contexts:
           scope: punctuation.definition.bold.end.markdown
             - meta_content_scope: markup.italic.markdown
-            - match: '{{setext_escape}}'
-              pop: true
             - match: |-
                     [ \t]*\*{3,}    # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic
@@ -463,8 +429,6 @@ contexts:
           scope: punctuation.definition.italic.end.markdown
             - meta_content_scope: markup.bold.markdown
-            - match: '{{setext_escape}}'
-              pop: true
             - match: |-
                     [ \t]*\*{3,}    # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic
@@ -727,8 +691,6 @@ contexts:
       scope: punctuation.definition.italic.begin.markdown
         - meta_scope: markup.italic.markdown
-        - match: '{{setext_escape}}'
-          pop: true
         - match: |-
                   [ \t]*\*{4,}   # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic
@@ -745,8 +707,6 @@ contexts:
       scope: punctuation.definition.italic.begin.markdown
         - meta_scope: markup.italic.markdown
-        - match: '{{setext_escape}}'
-          pop: true
         - match: |-
                   [ \t]*_{4,}   # if there are more than 3 its not applicable to be bold or italic
@@ -773,8 +733,6 @@ contexts:
         - include: bold-italic-trailing
     - include: scope:text.html.basic
-    - match: '{{setext_escape}}'
-      pop: true
     - match: ^\s*$\n?
       scope: invalid.illegal.non-terminated.bold-italic.markdown
       pop: true