# SYNTAX TEST "Manpage.sublime-syntax"
SOMETHING(8)                System Manager's Manual               SOMETHING(8)
# ^^^^^ meta.preprocessor
#                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ markup.heading.title
#                                                                   ^^^^^^^ meta.preprocessor

#^^^ markup.heading.other
       example - do something useful

       example  [options]  [--home  DIR]  [--shell  SHELL]  [--no-create-home]
#                          ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin
#                           ^^^^^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#                                   ^^^ variable.parameter
#                                      ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end
#                                         ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin
#                                          ^^^^^^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#                                                   ^^^^^ variable.parameter
#                                                        ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end
#                                                           ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin
#                                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#                                                                            ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end
                  [-u | --set-upstream] [-o <string> | --push-option=<string>]
#                 ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin
#                  ^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#                     ^ keyword.operator.logical
#                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#                                     ^ punctuation.section.brackets.end
#                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#                 ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin
#                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#                                    ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin
#                                     ^ keyword.operator
#                                       ^^^^^^^ variable.parameter
#                                               ^ punctuation.section.brackets.begin
#                                                  ^^^^^^ variable.parameter
#                                                         ^^^ punctuation.section.brackets.end

       example --system [options]
#              ^^^^^^^^ entity.name

       [--quiet] [--debug] [--help|-h]  [--version]  [--conf FILE]

        /* According to POSIX.1-2001, POSIX.1-2008 */
#       ^^ source.c comment.block punctuation.definition.comment
       #include <sys/select.h>
#      ^^^^^^^^ source.c meta.preprocessor.include keyword.control.import.include
           struct timeval {
#          ^^^^^^ source.c storage.type
               time_t         tv_sec;     /* seconds */
               suseconds_t    tv_usec;    /* microseconds */

       example does something useful in  relation  to the command line options
       and configuration information in /etc/example.conf.

       --conf FILE
#      ^^^^^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#^^^^^^ - variable - entity - markup
#             ^^^^ variable.parameter
              Use FILE instead of /etc/example.conf.
#             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - variable - entity

              Do  not  run passwd to set the password.  The user won't be able
              to use her account until the password is set.

              Like --disabled-login, but logins are still possible (for  exam-
#                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name
#^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - entity - variable - markup
#                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - entity - variable - markup
              ple using SSH RSA keys) but not using password authentication.

       --help Display brief instructions.
#      ^^^^^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - variable.parameter

       --home DIR
#      ^^^^^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#             ^^^ variable.parameter
#                ^ - variable - entity - markup
              Use DIR as the user's home directory, rather  than  the  default
              specified  by the configuration file.  If the directory does not
              exist, it is created and skeleton files are copied.

       --[no-]signed, --signed=(true|false|if-asked)
#      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#                   ^ punctuation.separator
#                     ^^^^^^^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#                             ^ keyword.operator
#                              ^ - variable
#                               ^^^^ variable.parameter
#                                   ^ keyword.operator.logical
#                                    ^^^^^ variable.parameter
#                                         ^ keyword.operator.logical
#                                          ^^^^^^^^ variable.parameter
#                                                  ^ - variable
       --no-recurse-submodules, --recurse-submodules=check|on-demand|only|no
#      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#                             ^ punctuation.separator
#                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#                                                   ^ keyword.operator
#                                                    ^^^^^ variable.parameter
#                                                         ^ keyword.operator.logical
#                                                          ^^^^^^^^^ variable.parameter
#                                                                   ^ keyword.operator.logical
#                                                                    ^^^^ variable.parameter
#                                                                        ^ keyword.operator.logical
#                                                                         ^^ variable.parameter
           May be used to make sure all submodule commits used by the

       -c, -C NUM, --context[=NUM]
#      ^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#        ^ punctuation.separator
#          ^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#             ^^^ variable.parameter
#                ^ punctuation.separator
#                  ^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.command-line-option
#                           ^^^^^^^ - entity.name
#                            ^ keyword.operator
#                             ^^^ variable.parameter
#                                ^^ - variable
              output NUM (default 3) lines of copied context

       #include <stdio.h>
#      ^^^^^^^^ source.c meta.preprocessor.include keyword.control.import.include

    (This is not C code.)
#   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - source.c

           struct timeval {
               time_t      tv_sec;         /* seconds */
               suseconds_t tv_usec;        /* microseconds */
#           ^ source.c punctuation.terminator

       The corresponding argument for pselect() has the following type:
#^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - source.c
                                EPOLLHUP | EPOLLERR)
#                                                  ^ source.c meta.preprocessor.macro meta.group punctuation.section.group.end

#      ^ punctuation.definition.variable
#       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constant.other
           systemd reads the log level from this environment variable. This
           can be overridden with --log-level=.

       The systemd Homepage[11], systemd-system.conf(5), locale.conf(5)
#                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ entity.name.function