%YAML 1.2 --- # http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/syntax.html name: Robot Framework syntax highlighting. file_extensions: - robot scope: source.robot contexts: main: - match: '\$\{(\d+|\d+\.\d*|0[bB][01]+|0[oO][0-7]+|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+)\}' comment: "Robot Framework numbers, like ${1} or ${12.3}" scope: constant.numeric.robot - match: '(?i)(%\{[\w|\s]+\})' comment: "Robot Framework environment variable, like %{USER}" scope: variable.parameter.robot - match: '((?<!\\)|(?<=\\\\))[$&]{' comment: Robot Framework scalar and dictionary variables push: - meta_scope: entity.name.class - match: '\}' pop: true - match: '((?<!\\)(@{)|(?<=\\\\)(@{))' comment: Robot Framework list variables push: - meta_scope: entity.name.class - match: '(}\[.+])|(})' pop: true - match: '(?i)^(\|\s*)?(\*{1,3} ?)(settings?|variables?|keywords?|test cases?)( ?\*{1,3})?(\s*\|)?' comment: Robot Framework data tables scope: string.robot.header - match: '(?i)(^\|\s*)?\[?Documentation\]?\s+' comment: Test case, keyword and settings table documentation push: - meta_scope: comment - match: ^(?!\s*+\.\.\.) pop: true - match: '(^| {2,}|\t|\\| {1,})(?<!\\\\)#' comment: Comment character push: - meta_scope: comment - match: $ pop: true - match: '(?i)\s+\[(Tags|Setup|Teardown|Template|Timeout|Arguments|Return)\]' comment: Tests case and keyword settings scope: storage.type - match: (?i)^(\|\s*)?(Library|Resource|Test Timeout|Test Template|Test Teardown|Test Setup|Default Tags|Force Tags|Metadata|Variables|Suite Setup|Suite Teardown)(?:( )|( \| )) comment: Settings table settings, like Library scope: constant.language - match: '^(\|\s+)?(?!^\.{3})(?![\|$&])\S+' comment: Keywords and test cases push: - meta_scope: keyword.control.robot - match: '($|\||\s{2,})' pop: true