%YAML 1.2 --- # http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/syntax.html name: Dart file_extensions: - dart scope: source.dart contexts: main: - match: ^(#!.*)$ scope: meta.preprocessor.script.dart - match: ^\s*\b(library|import|export|part of|part)\b captures: 0: keyword.other.import.dart push: - meta_scope: meta.declaration.dart - match: ; captures: 0: punctuation.terminator.dart pop: true - include: strings - match: \b(as|show|hide|deferred)\b scope: keyword.other.import.dart - include: comments - include: constants-and-special-vars - include: annotations - include: decl-typedef - include: decl-class - include: decl-enum - include: decl-function - include: keywords - include: strings annotations: - match: '^(?:\s*)((@)([a-zA-Z0-9_]+))' captures: 1: annotation.dart 2: entity.name.function.annotation.dart 3: support.type.dart comments: - match: /\*\*/ scope: comment.block.empty.dart captures: 0: punctuation.definition.comment.dart - include: comments-inline comments-inline: - match: /\* push: - meta_scope: comment.block.dart - match: \*/ pop: true - include: scope:text.dart-doccomments - match: (///) captures: 1: marker.dart push: - meta_scope: comment.line.triple-slash.dart - match: $ pop: true - include: scope:text.dart-doccomments - match: (//) captures: 1: marker.dart push: - meta_scope: comment.line.double-slash.dart - match: $ pop: true - include: scope:text.dart-doccomments constants-and-special-vars: - match: \b(true|false|null)\b scope: constant.language.dart - match: \b(this|super)\b scope: variable.language.dart - match: '\b((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]*)|(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)|(\.[0-9]+))((e|E)(\+|-)?[0-9]+)?)\b' scope: constant.numeric.dart decl-class: - match: \bclass\b captures: 0: keyword.control.new.dart push: - meta_scope: meta.declaration.class.dart - match: "(?={)" pop: true - include: keywords - match: "[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*" scope: class.name.dart decl-enum: - match: \benum\b captures: 0: keyword.declaration.dart push: - meta_scope: meta.declaration.enum.dart - match: "(?={)" pop: true - include: keywords - match: "[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*" scope: enum.name.dart decl-function: - match: ^\s*(?:\b(void|bool|num|int|double|dynamic|var|String|List|Map)\b)\s+(get)\s+(\w+)\s+(?==>) comment: A getter with a primitive return type. scope: meta.declaration.function.dart captures: 1: storage.type.primitive.dart 2: keyword.declaration.dart 3: function.name.dart - match: ^\s*(?:\b(\w+)\b\s+)?(get)\s+(\w+)\s+(?==>) comment: A getter with a user-defined return type or no return type. scope: meta.declaration.function.dart captures: 1: type.user-defined.dart 2: keyword.declaration.dart 3: function.name.dart - match: ^\s*(set)\s+(\w+)(?=\() comment: A setter. captures: 1: keyword.declaration.dart 2: function.name.dart push: - meta_scope: meta.declaration.function.dart - match: \) pop: true - include: comments-inline - include: decl-function-parameter - include: strings - include: keywords - match: ^\s*(?:\b(void|bool|num|int|double|dynamic|var|String|List|Map)\b)\s+(\w+)(?=\() comment: A function with a primitive return type. captures: 1: storage.type.primitive.dart 2: function.name.dart push: - meta_scope: meta.declaration.function.dart - match: \) pop: true - include: comments-inline - include: decl-function-parameter - include: strings - include: keywords - match: ^\s*(?:\b(return)\b)\s+(\w+)(?=\() comment: A function invocation after 'return' captures: 1: keyword.control.dart 2: function.name.dart push: - meta_scope: meta.invocation.function.dart - match: \) pop: true - include: comments-inline - include: decl-function-parameter - include: strings - include: keywords - match: ^\s*\b(new)\b\s+(\w+)(?=\() comment: A class instantiation after 'new' captures: 1: keyword.declaration.dart 2: function.name.dart push: - meta_scope: meta.invocation.function.dart - match: \) pop: true - include: comments-inline - include: decl-function-parameter - include: strings - include: keywords decl-function-parameter: - include: constants-and-special-vars - match: (?:\b(void|bool|num|int|double|dynamic|var|String|List|Map)\b)\s+(\w+)(?=\() comment: A function with a primitive return type. captures: 1: storage.type.primitive.dart 2: function.name.dart push: - meta_scope: meta.parameter.function.dart - match: \) pop: true - include: decl-function-parameter - include: strings - include: keywords - match: \b(new)\b\s+(\w+)(?=\() comment: A class instantiation after 'new' captures: 1: keyword.declaration.dart 2: function.name.dart push: - meta_scope: meta.invocation.function.dart - match: \) pop: true - include: decl-function-parameter - include: strings - include: keywords - match: (?:\b(\w+)\b)\s+(\w+)(?=\() comment: A function with a user-defined return type. captures: 1: type.user-defined.dart 2: function.name.dart push: - meta_scope: meta.parameter.function.dart - match: \) pop: true - include: decl-function-parameter - include: strings - include: keywords - match: (\w+)(?=\() comment: A function with no return type. captures: 1: function.name.dart push: - meta_scope: meta.parameter.function.dart - match: \) pop: true - include: decl-function-parameter - include: strings - include: keywords decl-typedef: - match: typedef captures: 0: keyword.control.new.dart push: - meta_scope: meta.declaration.typedef.dart - match: ; captures: 0: punctuation.terminator.dart pop: true - match: '(?:\b(void|bool|num|int|double|dynamic|var|String|List|Map)\b|([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*))\s+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)' captures: 1: storage.type.primitive.dart 2: typedef.return.dart 3: typedef.name.dart - match: \( push: - meta_scope: typedef.params.dart - match: \) pop: true - include: keywords keywords: - match: \bassert\b scope: keyword.control.assert.dart - match: \bas\b scope: keyword.cast.dart - match: \b(try|catch|finally|throw|on|rethrow)\b scope: keyword.control.catch-exception.dart - match: \s+\?\s+|\s+:\s+ scope: keyword.control.ternary.dart - match: \b(break|case|continue|default|do|else|for|if|in|return|switch|while)\b scope: keyword.control.dart - match: \b(async\*|async|await\*|await|yield)\b scope: keyword.control.async.dart - match: \b(new)\b scope: keyword.control.new.dart - match: \b(abstract|extends|external|factory|implements|with|interface|get|native|operator|set|typedef)\b scope: keyword.declaration.dart - match: \b(is\!?)\b scope: keyword.operator.dart - match: (<<|>>>?|~|\^|\||&) scope: keyword.operator.bitwise.dart - match: ((&|\^|\||<<|>>>?)=) scope: keyword.operator.assignment.bitwise.dart - match: (===?|!==?|<=?|>=?) scope: keyword.operator.comparison.dart - match: '(([+*/%-]|\~)=)' scope: keyword.operator.assignment.arithmetic.dart - match: (=) scope: keyword.operator.assignment.dart - match: (\-\-|\+\+) scope: keyword.operator.increment-decrement.dart - match: (\-|\+|\*|\/|\~\/|%) scope: keyword.operator.arithmetic.dart - match: (!|&&|\|\|) scope: keyword.operator.logical.dart - match: ; scope: punctuation.terminator.dart - match: \b(static|final|const)\b scope: storage.modifier.dart - match: \b(?:void|bool|num|int|double|dynamic|var|String|List|Map)\b scope: storage.type.primitive.dart regexp: - match: '\\[^''"]' scope: constant.character.escaped.regex.dart - match: \( push: - meta_content_scope: meta.capture.regex.dart - match: \) pop: true - match: \?(:|=|!) scope: ignore.capture.regex.dart - match: \*|\+|\?|\.|\| scope: keyword.other.regex.dart - match: \^|\$ scope: keyword.other.regex.dart - match: \. scope: constant.other.regex.dart - match: '\[(\^)?' captures: 1: keyword.other.negation.regex.dart push: - meta_scope: constant.character.range.regex.dart - match: '\]' pop: true - match: '\\[^"'']' scope: constant.character.escaped.regex.dart - match: '\{(?:\d+)?,(?:\d+)?\}' scope: keyword.other.regex.dart string-interp: - match: '(\$)(\{)' captures: 1: keyword.other.dart 2: keyword.other.dart push: - meta_scope: interpolation.dart - meta_content_scope: source.dart - match: '(\})' captures: 1: keyword.other.dart pop: true - include: main - match: (\$)(\w+) captures: 1: keyword.other.dart 2: variable.parameter.dart - match: \\. scope: constant.character.escape.dart strings: - match: (?<!r)""" push: - meta_scope: string.interpolated.triple.double.dart - match: '"""(?!")' pop: true - include: string-interp - match: (?<!r)''' push: - meta_scope: string.interpolated.triple.single.dart - match: "'''(?!')" pop: true - include: string-interp - match: r""" push: - meta_scope: string.quoted.triple.double.dart - match: '"""(?!")' pop: true - match: r''' push: - meta_scope: string.quoted.triple.single.dart - match: "'''(?!')" pop: true - match: (?<!\\|r)" push: - meta_scope: string.interpolated.double.dart - match: '"' pop: true - match: \n scope: invalid.string.newline - include: string-interp - match: r" push: - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.dart - match: '"' pop: true - include: regexp - match: (?<!\|r)' push: - meta_scope: string.interpolated.single.dart - match: "'" pop: true - include: string-interp - match: r' push: - meta_scope: string.quoted.single.dart - match: "'" pop: true - include: regexp