%YAML 1.2 --- # http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/syntax.html name: Ruby Slim file_extensions: - slim - skim scope: text.slim contexts: main: - match: ^(\s*)(ruby):$ captures: 2: constant.language.name.ruby.filter.slim push: - meta_scope: text.ruby.filter.slim - match: ^(?!(\1\s)|\s*$) pop: true - include: scope:source.ruby - match: ^(\s*)(javascript):$ captures: 2: constant.language.name.javascript.filter.slim push: - meta_scope: source.js.filter.slim - match: ^(?!(\1\s)|\s*$) pop: true - include: scope:source.js - match: ^(---)\s*\n captures: 1: storage.frontmatter.slim push: - meta_scope: source.yaml.meta.slim - match: ^(---)\s*\n captures: 1: storage.frontmatter.slim pop: true - include: scope:source.yaml - match: ^(\s*)(coffee):$ captures: 2: constant.language.name.coffeescript.filter.slim push: - meta_scope: text.coffeescript.filter.slim - match: ^(?!(\1\s)|\s*$) pop: true - include: scope:source.coffee - match: ^(\s*)(markdown):$ captures: 2: constant.language.name.markdown.filter.slim push: - meta_scope: text.markdown.filter.slim - match: ^(?!(\1\s)|\s*$) pop: true - include: scope:text.html.markdown - match: ^(\s*)(css):$ captures: 2: constant.language.name.css.filter.slim push: - meta_scope: text.css.filter.slim - match: ^(?!(\1\s)|\s*$) pop: true - include: scope:source.css - match: ^(\s*)(sass):$ captures: 2: constant.language.name.sass.filter.slim push: - meta_scope: text.sass.filter.slim - match: ^(?!(\1\s)|\s*$) pop: true - include: scope:source.sass - match: ^(\s*)(scss):$ captures: 2: constant.language.name.scss.filter.slim push: - meta_scope: text.scss.filter.slim - match: ^(?!(\1\s)|\s*$) pop: true - include: scope:source.scss - match: ^(\s*)(less):$ captures: 2: constant.language.name.less.filter.slim push: - meta_scope: text.less.filter.slim - match: ^(?!(\1\s)|\s*$) pop: true - include: scope:source.less - match: ^(\s*)(erb):$ captures: 2: constant.language.name.erb.filter.slim push: - meta_scope: text.erb.filter.slim - match: ^(?!(\1\s)|\s*$) pop: true - include: scope:source.erb - match: ^(! )($|\s.*) scope: meta.prolog.slim captures: 1: punctuation.definition.prolog.slim - match: ^(\s*)(/)\s*.*$ captures: 2: comment.line.slash.slim push: - meta_scope: comment.block.slim - match: ^(?!(\1\s)|\s*$) pop: true - match: ^\s*(?=-) push: - match: $ pop: true - include: rubyline - match: (?==+|~) push: - match: $ pop: true - include: rubyline - include: tag-attribute - include: embedded-ruby - match: ^(\s*)(\||')\s* comment: Verbatim text (can include HTML tags and copied lines) push: - match: ^(?!(\1\s)|\s*$) pop: true - include: scope:text.html.basic - include: embedded-ruby - match: '^\s*(\.|#|[-a-zA-Z0-9]+)([\w-]+)?' comment: '1 - dot OR hash OR any combination of word, number; 2 - OPTIONAL any combination of word, number, dash or underscore (following a . or' captures: 1: entity.name.tag.slim 2: entity.other.attribute-name.event.slim push: - meta_scope: meta.tag - match: '$|(?!\.|#|:|-|~|/|\}|\]|\*|\s?[\*\{])' captures: 1: entity.name.tag.slim 2: entity.other.attribute-name.event.slim pop: true - match: '(:[\w\d]+)+' comment: XML push: - meta_scope: entity.name.tag.slim - match: $|\s pop: true - match: '(:\s)(\.|#|[a-zA-Z0-9]+)([\w-]+)?' comment: Inline HTML / 1 - colon; 2 - dot OR hash OR any combination of word, number; 3 - OPTIONAL any combination of word, number, dash or underscore (following a . or captures: 1: punctuation.definition.tag.end.slim 2: entity.name.tag.slim 3: entity.other.attribute-name.event.slim push: - match: '$|(?!\.|#|=|-|~|/|\}|\]|\*|\s?[\*\{])' captures: 1: punctuation.definition.tag.end.slim 2: entity.name.tag.slim 3: entity.other.attribute-name.event.slim pop: true - include: root-class-id-tag - include: tag-attribute - match: '(\*\{)(?=.*\}|.*\|\s*$)' comment: Splat attributes captures: 1: punctuation.section.embedded.ruby push: - meta_scope: source.ruby.embedded.slim - match: '(\})|$|^(?!.*\|\s*$)' captures: 1: punctuation.section.embedded.ruby pop: true - include: embedded-ruby - include: root-class-id-tag - include: rubyline - match: / scope: punctuation.terminator.tag.slim - match: ^\s*(\\.) captures: 1: meta.escape.slim - match: ^\s*(?=\||') push: - match: $ pop: true - include: embedded-ruby - include: scope:text.html.basic - match: '(?=<[\w\d\:]+)' comment: Inline and root-level HTML tags push: - match: $|\/\> pop: true - include: scope:text.html.basic continuation: - match: '([\\,])\s*\n' captures: 1: punctuation.separator.continuation.slim delimited-ruby-a: - match: '=\(' push: - meta_scope: source.ruby.embedded.slim - match: \)(?=( \w|$)) pop: true - include: scope:source.ruby.rails delimited-ruby-b: - match: '=\[' push: - meta_scope: source.ruby.embedded.slim - match: '\](?=( \w|$))' pop: true - include: scope:source.ruby.rails delimited-ruby-c: - match: '=\{' push: - meta_scope: source.ruby.embedded.slim - match: '\}(?=( \w|$))' pop: true - include: scope:source.ruby.rails embedded-ruby: - match: '(?<!\\)#\{{1,2}' captures: 0: punctuation.section.embedded.ruby push: - meta_scope: source.ruby.embedded.html - match: '\}{1,2}' captures: 0: punctuation.section.embedded.ruby pop: true - include: scope:source.ruby.rails entities: - match: '(&)([a-zA-Z0-9]+|#[0-9]+|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+)(;)' scope: constant.character.entity.html captures: 1: punctuation.definition.entity.html 3: punctuation.definition.entity.html - match: '&' scope: invalid.illegal.bad-ampersand.html interpolated-ruby: - match: '=(?=\b)' push: - meta_scope: source.ruby.embedded.html - match: \s|\w$ pop: true root-class-id-tag: - match: '(\.|#)([\w\d\-]+)' captures: 1: punctuation.separator.key-value.html 2: entity.other.attribute-name.html rubyline: - match: (==|=)(<>|><|<'|'<|<|>)?|- comment: Hack to thwart Sublime's Ruby highlighter. It thinks do without a variable continues the next line (this can be muted with a / at the end of the line). For things like yields, do is unnecessary without an argument, so this hack will suffice push: - meta_scope: meta.line.ruby.slim - meta_content_scope: source.ruby.embedded.slim - match: (do\s*\n$)|(?<!\\|,|,\n|\\\n)$ captures: 1: keyword.control.start-block.ruby pop: true - match: '#.*$' comment: Hack to let ruby comments work in this context properly scope: comment.line.number-sign.ruby - include: continuation - include: scope:source.ruby.rails string-double-quoted: - match: (")(?=.*") captures: 0: punctuation.definition.string.begin.html push: - meta_scope: string.quoted.double.html - meta_content_scope: meta.toc-list.id.html - match: '"' captures: 0: punctuation.definition.string.end.html pop: true - include: embedded-ruby - include: entities string-single-quoted: - match: (')(?=.*') captures: 0: punctuation.definition.string.begin.html push: - meta_scope: string.quoted.single.html - meta_content_scope: meta.toc-list.id.html - match: "'" captures: 0: punctuation.definition.string.end.html pop: true - include: embedded-ruby - include: entities tag-attribute: - match: '([\w.#_-]+)(=)(?!\s)(true|false|nil)?(\s*\(|\{)?' captures: 1: entity.other.attribute-name.event.slim 2: punctuation.separator.key-value.html 3: constant.language.slim push: - meta_scope: meta.attribute-with-value.slim - match: '\}|\)|$' captures: 1: entity.other.attribute-name.event.slim 2: punctuation.separator.key-value.html 3: constant.language.slim pop: true - include: tag-stuff - include: string-double-quoted - include: string-single-quoted tag-stuff: - include: tag-attribute - include: interpolated-ruby - include: delimited-ruby-a - include: delimited-ruby-b - include: delimited-ruby-c - include: rubyline - include: embedded-ruby