mirror of https://github.com/sharkdp/bat.git synced 2024-10-05 18:31:06 +01:00

Add CoffeeScript syntax test file

This commit is contained in:
Mohamed Abdelnour 2021-05-29 02:21:24 +02:00 committed by David Peter
parent b1f69434f9
commit c9627040cc
3 changed files with 808 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
# CoffeeScript can be used both on the server, as a command-line compiler based
# on Node.js/V8, or to run CoffeeScript directly in the browser. This module
# contains the main entry functions for tokenizing, parsing, and compiling
# source CoffeeScript into JavaScript.
{Lexer} = require './lexer'
{parser} = require './parser'
helpers = require './helpers'
SourceMap = require './sourcemap'
# Require `package.json`, which is two levels above this file, as this file is
# evaluated from `lib/coffeescript`.
packageJson = require '../../package.json'
# The current CoffeeScript version number.
exports.VERSION = packageJson.version
exports.FILE_EXTENSIONS = FILE_EXTENSIONS = ['.coffee', '.litcoffee', '.coffee.md']
# Expose helpers for testing.
exports.helpers = helpers
# Function that allows for btoa in both nodejs and the browser.
base64encode = (src) -> switch
 when typeof Buffer is 'function'
 when typeof btoa is 'function'
 # The contents of a `<script>` block are encoded via UTF-16, so if any extended
 # characters are used in the block, btoa will fail as it maxes out at UTF-8.
 # See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowBase64/Base64_encoding_and_decoding#The_Unicode_Problem
 # for the gory details, and for the solution implemented here.
 btoa encodeURIComponent(src).replace /%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, (match, p1) ->
 String.fromCharCode '0x' + p1
 throw new Error('Unable to base64 encode inline sourcemap.')
# Function wrapper to add source file information to SyntaxErrors thrown by the
# lexer/parser/compiler.
withPrettyErrors = (fn) ->
 (code, options = {}) ->
 fn.call @, code, options
 catch err
 throw err if typeof code isnt 'string' # Support `CoffeeScript.nodes(tokens)`.
 throw helpers.updateSyntaxError err, code, options.filename
# For each compiled file, save its source in memory in case we need to
# recompile it later. We might need to recompile if the first compilation
# didnt create a source map (faster) but something went wrong and we need
# a stack trace. Assuming that most of the time, code isnt throwing
# exceptions, its probably more efficient to compile twice only when we
# need a stack trace, rather than always generating a source map even when
# its not likely to be used. Save in form of `filename`: [`(source)`]
sources = {}
# Also save source maps if generated, in form of `(source)`: [`(source map)`].
sourceMaps = {}
# This is exported to enable an external module to implement caching of
# compilation results. When the compiled js source is loaded from cache, the
# original coffee code should be added with this method in order to enable the
# Error.prepareStackTrace below to correctly adjust the stack trace for the
# corresponding file (the source map will be generated on demand).
exports.registerCompiled = registerCompiled = (filename, source, sourcemap) ->
 sources[filename] ?= []
 sources[filename].push source
 if sourcemap?
 sourceMaps[filename] ?= []
 sourceMaps[filename].push sourcemap
# Compile CoffeeScript code to JavaScript, using the Coffee/Jison compiler.
# If `options.sourceMap` is specified, then `options.filename` must also be
# specified. All options that can be passed to `SourceMap#generate` may also
# be passed here.
# This returns a javascript string, unless `options.sourceMap` is passed,
# in which case this returns a `{js, v3SourceMap, sourceMap}`
# object, where sourceMap is a sourcemap.coffee#SourceMap object, handy for
# doing programmatic lookups.
exports.compile = compile = withPrettyErrors (code, options = {}) ->
 # Clone `options`, to avoid mutating the `options` object passed in.
 options = Object.assign {}, options
 # Always generate a source map if no filename is passed in, since without a
 # a filename we have no way to retrieve this source later in the event that
 # we need to recompile it to get a source map for `prepareStackTrace`.
 generateSourceMap = options.sourceMap or options.inlineMap or not options.filename?
 filename = options.filename or '<anonymous>'
 checkShebangLine filename, code
 map = new SourceMap if generateSourceMap
 tokens = lexer.tokenize code, options
 # Pass a list of referenced variables, so that generated variables wont get
 # the same name.
 options.referencedVars = (
 token[1] for token in tokens when token[0] is 'IDENTIFIER'
 # Check for import or export; if found, force bare mode.
 unless options.bare? and options.bare is yes
 for token in tokens
 if token[0] in ['IMPORT', 'EXPORT']
 options.bare = yes
 nodes = parser.parse tokens
 # If all that was requested was a POJO representation of the nodes, e.g.
 # the abstract syntax tree (AST), we can stop now and just return that
 # (after fixing the location data for the root/`File`»`Program` node,
 # which mightve gotten misaligned from the original source due to the
 # `clean` function in the lexer).
 if options.ast
 nodes.allCommentTokens = helpers.extractAllCommentTokens tokens
 sourceCodeNumberOfLines = (code.match(/\r?\n/g) or '').length + 1
 sourceCodeLastLine = /.*$/.exec(code)[0] # `.*` matches all but line break characters.
 ast = nodes.ast options
 range = [0, code.length]
 ast.start = ast.program.start = range[0]
 ast.end = ast.program.end = range[1]
 ast.range = ast.program.range = range
 ast.loc.start = ast.program.loc.start = {line: 1, column: 0}
 ast.loc.end.line = ast.program.loc.end.line = sourceCodeNumberOfLines
 ast.loc.end.column = ast.program.loc.end.column = sourceCodeLastLine.length
 ast.tokens = tokens
 return ast
 fragments = nodes.compileToFragments options
 currentLine = 0
 currentLine += 1 if options.header
 currentLine += 1 if options.shiftLine
 currentColumn = 0
 js = ""
 for fragment in fragments
 # Update the sourcemap with data from each fragment.
 if generateSourceMap
 # Do not include empty, whitespace, or semicolon-only fragments.
 if fragment.locationData and not /^[;\s]*$/.test fragment.code
 [fragment.locationData.first_line, fragment.locationData.first_column]
 [currentLine, currentColumn]
 {noReplace: true})
 newLines = helpers.count fragment.code, "\n"
 currentLine += newLines
 if newLines
 currentColumn = fragment.code.length - (fragment.code.lastIndexOf("\n") + 1)
 currentColumn += fragment.code.length
 # Copy the code from each fragment into the final JavaScript.
 js += fragment.code
 if options.header
 header = "Generated by CoffeeScript #{@VERSION}"
 js = "// #{header}\n#{js}"
 if generateSourceMap
 v3SourceMap = map.generate options, code
 if options.transpile
 if typeof options.transpile isnt 'object'
 # This only happens if run via the Node API and `transpile` is set to
 # something other than an object.
 throw new Error 'The transpile option must be given an object with options to pass to Babel'
 # Get the reference to Babel that we have been passed if this compiler
 # is run via the CLI or Node API.
 transpiler = options.transpile.transpile
 delete options.transpile.transpile
 transpilerOptions = Object.assign {}, options.transpile
 # See https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/827#issuecomment-77573107:
 # Babel can take a v3 source map object as input in `inputSourceMap`
 # and it will return an *updated* v3 source map object in its output.
 if v3SourceMap and not transpilerOptions.inputSourceMap?
 transpilerOptions.inputSourceMap = v3SourceMap
 transpilerOutput = transpiler js, transpilerOptions
 js = transpilerOutput.code
 if v3SourceMap and transpilerOutput.map
 v3SourceMap = transpilerOutput.map
 if options.inlineMap
 encoded = base64encode JSON.stringify v3SourceMap
 sourceMapDataURI = "//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,#{encoded}"
 sourceURL = "//# sourceURL=#{options.filename ? 'coffeescript'}"
 js = "#{js}\n#{sourceMapDataURI}\n#{sourceURL}"
 registerCompiled filename, code, map
 if options.sourceMap
 sourceMap: map
 v3SourceMap: JSON.stringify v3SourceMap, null, 2
# Tokenize a string of CoffeeScript code, and return the array of tokens.
exports.tokens = withPrettyErrors (code, options) ->
 lexer.tokenize code, options
# Parse a string of CoffeeScript code or an array of lexed tokens, and
# return the AST. You can then compile it by calling `.compile()` on the root,
# or traverse it by using `.traverseChildren()` with a callback.
exports.nodes = withPrettyErrors (source, options) ->
 source = lexer.tokenize source, options if typeof source is 'string'
 parser.parse source
# This file used to export these methods; leave stubs that throw warnings
# instead. These methods have been moved into `index.coffee` to provide
# separate entrypoints for Node and non-Node environments, so that static
# analysis tools dont choke on Node packages when compiling for a non-Node
# environment.
exports.run = exports.eval = exports.register = ->
 throw new Error 'require index.coffee, not this file'
# Instantiate a Lexer for our use here.
lexer = new Lexer
# The real Lexer produces a generic stream of tokens. This object provides a
# thin wrapper around it, compatible with the Jison API. We can then pass it
# directly as a Jison lexer.
parser.lexer =
 range: []
 ranges: yes
 lex: ->
 token = parser.tokens[@pos++]
 if token
 [tag, @yytext, @yylloc] = token
 parser.errorToken = token.origin or token
 @yylineno = @yylloc.first_line
 tag = ''
 setInput: (tokens) ->
 parser.tokens = tokens
 @pos = 0
 upcomingInput: -> ''
# Make all the AST nodes visible to the parser.
parser.yy = require './nodes'
# Override Jison's default error handling function.
parser.yy.parseError = (message, {token}) ->
 # Disregard Jison's message, it contains redundant line number information.
 # Disregard the token, we take its value directly from the lexer in case
 # the error is caused by a generated token which might refer to its origin.
 {errorToken, tokens} = parser
 [errorTag, errorText, errorLoc] = errorToken
 errorText = switch
 when errorToken is tokens[tokens.length - 1]
 'end of input'
 when errorTag in ['INDENT', 'OUTDENT']
 errorTag.replace(/_START$/, '').toLowerCase()
 helpers.nameWhitespaceCharacter errorText
 # The second argument has a `loc` property, which should have the location
 # data for this token. Unfortunately, Jison seems to send an outdated `loc`
 # (from the previous token), so we take the location information directly
 # from the lexer.
 helpers.throwSyntaxError "unexpected #{errorText}", errorLoc
# Based on http://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/src/messages.js
# Modified to handle sourceMap
formatSourcePosition = (frame, getSourceMapping) ->
 filename = undefined
 fileLocation = ''
 if frame.isNative()
 fileLocation = "native"
 if frame.isEval()
 filename = frame.getScriptNameOrSourceURL()
 fileLocation = "#{frame.getEvalOrigin()}, " unless filename
 filename = frame.getFileName()
 filename or= "<anonymous>"
 line = frame.getLineNumber()
 column = frame.getColumnNumber()
 # Check for a sourceMap position
 source = getSourceMapping filename, line, column
 fileLocation =
 if source
 functionName = frame.getFunctionName()
 isConstructor = frame.isConstructor()
 isMethodCall = not (frame.isToplevel() or isConstructor)
 if isMethodCall
 methodName = frame.getMethodName()
 typeName = frame.getTypeName()
 if functionName
 tp = as = ''
 if typeName and functionName.indexOf typeName
 tp = "#{typeName}."
 if methodName and functionName.indexOf(".#{methodName}") isnt functionName.length - methodName.length - 1
 as = " [as #{methodName}]"
 "#{tp}#{functionName}#{as} (#{fileLocation})"
 "#{typeName}.#{methodName or '<anonymous>'} (#{fileLocation})"
 else if isConstructor
 "new #{functionName or '<anonymous>'} (#{fileLocation})"
 else if functionName
 "#{functionName} (#{fileLocation})"
getSourceMap = (filename, line, column) ->
 # Skip files that we didnt compile, like Node system files that appear in
 # the stack trace, as they never have source maps.
 return null unless filename is '<anonymous>' or filename.slice(filename.lastIndexOf('.')) in FILE_EXTENSIONS
 if filename isnt '<anonymous>' and sourceMaps[filename]?
 return sourceMaps[filename][sourceMaps[filename].length - 1]
 # CoffeeScript compiled in a browser or via `CoffeeScript.compile` or `.run`
 # may get compiled with `options.filename` thats missing, which becomes
 # `<anonymous>`; but the runtime might request the stack trace with the
 # filename of the script file. See if we have a source map cached under
 # `<anonymous>` that matches the error.
 else if sourceMaps['<anonymous>']?
 # Work backwards from the most recent anonymous source maps, until we find
 # one that works. This isnt foolproof; there is a chance that multiple
 # source maps will have line/column pairs that match. But we have no other
 # way to match them. `frame.getFunction().toString()` doesnt always work,
 # and its not foolproof either.
 for map in sourceMaps['<anonymous>'] by -1
 sourceLocation = map.sourceLocation [line - 1, column - 1]
 return map if sourceLocation?[0]? and sourceLocation[1]?
 # If all else fails, recompile this source to get a source map. We need the
 # previous section (for `<anonymous>`) despite this option, because after it
 # gets compiled we will still need to look it up from
 # `sourceMaps['<anonymous>']` in order to find and return it. Thats why we
 # start searching from the end in the previous block, because most of the
 # time the source map we want is the last one.
 if sources[filename]?
 answer = compile sources[filename][sources[filename].length - 1],
 filename: filename
 sourceMap: yes
 literate: helpers.isLiterate filename
# Based on [michaelficarra/CoffeeScriptRedux](http://goo.gl/ZTx1p)
# NodeJS / V8 have no support for transforming positions in stack traces using
# sourceMap, so we must monkey-patch Error to display CoffeeScript source
# positions.
Error.prepareStackTrace = (err, stack) ->
 getSourceMapping = (filename, line, column) ->
 sourceMap = getSourceMap filename, line, column
 answer = sourceMap.sourceLocation [line - 1, column - 1] if sourceMap?
 if answer? then [answer[0] + 1, answer[1] + 1] else null
 frames = for frame in stack
 break if frame.getFunction() is exports.run
 " at #{formatSourcePosition frame, getSourceMapping}"
 "#{err.toString()}\n#{frames.join '\n'}\n"
checkShebangLine = (file, input) ->
 firstLine = input.split(/$/m)[0]
 rest = firstLine?.match(/^#!\s*([^\s]+\s*)(.*)/)
 args = rest?[2]?.split(/\s/).filter (s) -> s isnt ''
 if args?.length > 1
 console.error '''
 The script to be run begins with a shebang line with more than one
 argument. This script will fail on platforms such as Linux which only
 allow a single argument.
 console.error "The shebang line was: '#{firstLine}' in file '#{file}'"
 console.error "The arguments were: #{JSON.stringify args}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
The `coffeescript.coffee` file has been added from https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript under the following license:
Copyright (c) 2009-2018 Jeremy Ashkenas
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
# CoffeeScript can be used both on the server, as a command-line compiler based
# on Node.js/V8, or to run CoffeeScript directly in the browser. This module
# contains the main entry functions for tokenizing, parsing, and compiling
# source CoffeeScript into JavaScript.
{Lexer} = require './lexer'
{parser} = require './parser'
helpers = require './helpers'
SourceMap = require './sourcemap'
# Require `package.json`, which is two levels above this file, as this file is
# evaluated from `lib/coffeescript`.
packageJson = require '../../package.json'
# The current CoffeeScript version number.
exports.VERSION = packageJson.version
exports.FILE_EXTENSIONS = FILE_EXTENSIONS = ['.coffee', '.litcoffee', '.coffee.md']
# Expose helpers for testing.
exports.helpers = helpers
# Function that allows for btoa in both nodejs and the browser.
base64encode = (src) -> switch
when typeof Buffer is 'function'
when typeof btoa is 'function'
# The contents of a `<script>` block are encoded via UTF-16, so if any extended
# characters are used in the block, btoa will fail as it maxes out at UTF-8.
# See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowBase64/Base64_encoding_and_decoding#The_Unicode_Problem
# for the gory details, and for the solution implemented here.
btoa encodeURIComponent(src).replace /%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, (match, p1) ->
String.fromCharCode '0x' + p1
throw new Error('Unable to base64 encode inline sourcemap.')
# Function wrapper to add source file information to SyntaxErrors thrown by the
# lexer/parser/compiler.
withPrettyErrors = (fn) ->
(code, options = {}) ->
fn.call @, code, options
catch err
throw err if typeof code isnt 'string' # Support `CoffeeScript.nodes(tokens)`.
throw helpers.updateSyntaxError err, code, options.filename
# For each compiled file, save its source in memory in case we need to
# recompile it later. We might need to recompile if the first compilation
# didnt create a source map (faster) but something went wrong and we need
# a stack trace. Assuming that most of the time, code isnt throwing
# exceptions, its probably more efficient to compile twice only when we
# need a stack trace, rather than always generating a source map even when
# its not likely to be used. Save in form of `filename`: [`(source)`]
sources = {}
# Also save source maps if generated, in form of `(source)`: [`(source map)`].
sourceMaps = {}
# This is exported to enable an external module to implement caching of
# compilation results. When the compiled js source is loaded from cache, the
# original coffee code should be added with this method in order to enable the
# Error.prepareStackTrace below to correctly adjust the stack trace for the
# corresponding file (the source map will be generated on demand).
exports.registerCompiled = registerCompiled = (filename, source, sourcemap) ->
sources[filename] ?= []
sources[filename].push source
if sourcemap?
sourceMaps[filename] ?= []
sourceMaps[filename].push sourcemap
# Compile CoffeeScript code to JavaScript, using the Coffee/Jison compiler.
# If `options.sourceMap` is specified, then `options.filename` must also be
# specified. All options that can be passed to `SourceMap#generate` may also
# be passed here.
# This returns a javascript string, unless `options.sourceMap` is passed,
# in which case this returns a `{js, v3SourceMap, sourceMap}`
# object, where sourceMap is a sourcemap.coffee#SourceMap object, handy for
# doing programmatic lookups.
exports.compile = compile = withPrettyErrors (code, options = {}) ->
# Clone `options`, to avoid mutating the `options` object passed in.
options = Object.assign {}, options
# Always generate a source map if no filename is passed in, since without a
# a filename we have no way to retrieve this source later in the event that
# we need to recompile it to get a source map for `prepareStackTrace`.
generateSourceMap = options.sourceMap or options.inlineMap or not options.filename?
filename = options.filename or '<anonymous>'
checkShebangLine filename, code
map = new SourceMap if generateSourceMap
tokens = lexer.tokenize code, options
# Pass a list of referenced variables, so that generated variables wont get
# the same name.
options.referencedVars = (
token[1] for token in tokens when token[0] is 'IDENTIFIER'
# Check for import or export; if found, force bare mode.
unless options.bare? and options.bare is yes
for token in tokens
if token[0] in ['IMPORT', 'EXPORT']
options.bare = yes
nodes = parser.parse tokens
# If all that was requested was a POJO representation of the nodes, e.g.
# the abstract syntax tree (AST), we can stop now and just return that
# (after fixing the location data for the root/`File`»`Program` node,
# which mightve gotten misaligned from the original source due to the
# `clean` function in the lexer).
if options.ast
nodes.allCommentTokens = helpers.extractAllCommentTokens tokens
sourceCodeNumberOfLines = (code.match(/\r?\n/g) or '').length + 1
sourceCodeLastLine = /.*$/.exec(code)[0] # `.*` matches all but line break characters.
ast = nodes.ast options
range = [0, code.length]
ast.start = ast.program.start = range[0]
ast.end = ast.program.end = range[1]
ast.range = ast.program.range = range
ast.loc.start = ast.program.loc.start = {line: 1, column: 0}
ast.loc.end.line = ast.program.loc.end.line = sourceCodeNumberOfLines
ast.loc.end.column = ast.program.loc.end.column = sourceCodeLastLine.length
ast.tokens = tokens
return ast
fragments = nodes.compileToFragments options
currentLine = 0
currentLine += 1 if options.header
currentLine += 1 if options.shiftLine
currentColumn = 0
js = ""
for fragment in fragments
# Update the sourcemap with data from each fragment.
if generateSourceMap
# Do not include empty, whitespace, or semicolon-only fragments.
if fragment.locationData and not /^[;\s]*$/.test fragment.code
[fragment.locationData.first_line, fragment.locationData.first_column]
[currentLine, currentColumn]
{noReplace: true})
newLines = helpers.count fragment.code, "\n"
currentLine += newLines
if newLines
currentColumn = fragment.code.length - (fragment.code.lastIndexOf("\n") + 1)
currentColumn += fragment.code.length
# Copy the code from each fragment into the final JavaScript.
js += fragment.code
if options.header
header = "Generated by CoffeeScript #{@VERSION}"
js = "// #{header}\n#{js}"
if generateSourceMap
v3SourceMap = map.generate options, code
if options.transpile
if typeof options.transpile isnt 'object'
# This only happens if run via the Node API and `transpile` is set to
# something other than an object.
throw new Error 'The transpile option must be given an object with options to pass to Babel'
# Get the reference to Babel that we have been passed if this compiler
# is run via the CLI or Node API.
transpiler = options.transpile.transpile
delete options.transpile.transpile
transpilerOptions = Object.assign {}, options.transpile
# See https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/827#issuecomment-77573107:
# Babel can take a v3 source map object as input in `inputSourceMap`
# and it will return an *updated* v3 source map object in its output.
if v3SourceMap and not transpilerOptions.inputSourceMap?
transpilerOptions.inputSourceMap = v3SourceMap
transpilerOutput = transpiler js, transpilerOptions
js = transpilerOutput.code
if v3SourceMap and transpilerOutput.map
v3SourceMap = transpilerOutput.map
if options.inlineMap
encoded = base64encode JSON.stringify v3SourceMap
sourceMapDataURI = "//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,#{encoded}"
sourceURL = "//# sourceURL=#{options.filename ? 'coffeescript'}"
js = "#{js}\n#{sourceMapDataURI}\n#{sourceURL}"
registerCompiled filename, code, map
if options.sourceMap
sourceMap: map
v3SourceMap: JSON.stringify v3SourceMap, null, 2
# Tokenize a string of CoffeeScript code, and return the array of tokens.
exports.tokens = withPrettyErrors (code, options) ->
lexer.tokenize code, options
# Parse a string of CoffeeScript code or an array of lexed tokens, and
# return the AST. You can then compile it by calling `.compile()` on the root,
# or traverse it by using `.traverseChildren()` with a callback.
exports.nodes = withPrettyErrors (source, options) ->
source = lexer.tokenize source, options if typeof source is 'string'
parser.parse source
# This file used to export these methods; leave stubs that throw warnings
# instead. These methods have been moved into `index.coffee` to provide
# separate entrypoints for Node and non-Node environments, so that static
# analysis tools dont choke on Node packages when compiling for a non-Node
# environment.
exports.run = exports.eval = exports.register = ->
throw new Error 'require index.coffee, not this file'
# Instantiate a Lexer for our use here.
lexer = new Lexer
# The real Lexer produces a generic stream of tokens. This object provides a
# thin wrapper around it, compatible with the Jison API. We can then pass it
# directly as a Jison lexer.
parser.lexer =
range: []
ranges: yes
lex: ->
token = parser.tokens[@pos++]
if token
[tag, @yytext, @yylloc] = token
parser.errorToken = token.origin or token
@yylineno = @yylloc.first_line
tag = ''
setInput: (tokens) ->
parser.tokens = tokens
@pos = 0
upcomingInput: -> ''
# Make all the AST nodes visible to the parser.
parser.yy = require './nodes'
# Override Jison's default error handling function.
parser.yy.parseError = (message, {token}) ->
# Disregard Jison's message, it contains redundant line number information.
# Disregard the token, we take its value directly from the lexer in case
# the error is caused by a generated token which might refer to its origin.
{errorToken, tokens} = parser
[errorTag, errorText, errorLoc] = errorToken
errorText = switch
when errorToken is tokens[tokens.length - 1]
'end of input'
when errorTag in ['INDENT', 'OUTDENT']
errorTag.replace(/_START$/, '').toLowerCase()
helpers.nameWhitespaceCharacter errorText
# The second argument has a `loc` property, which should have the location
# data for this token. Unfortunately, Jison seems to send an outdated `loc`
# (from the previous token), so we take the location information directly
# from the lexer.
helpers.throwSyntaxError "unexpected #{errorText}", errorLoc
# Based on http://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge/src/messages.js
# Modified to handle sourceMap
formatSourcePosition = (frame, getSourceMapping) ->
filename = undefined
fileLocation = ''
if frame.isNative()
fileLocation = "native"
if frame.isEval()
filename = frame.getScriptNameOrSourceURL()
fileLocation = "#{frame.getEvalOrigin()}, " unless filename
filename = frame.getFileName()
filename or= "<anonymous>"
line = frame.getLineNumber()
column = frame.getColumnNumber()
# Check for a sourceMap position
source = getSourceMapping filename, line, column
fileLocation =
if source
functionName = frame.getFunctionName()
isConstructor = frame.isConstructor()
isMethodCall = not (frame.isToplevel() or isConstructor)
if isMethodCall
methodName = frame.getMethodName()
typeName = frame.getTypeName()
if functionName
tp = as = ''
if typeName and functionName.indexOf typeName
tp = "#{typeName}."
if methodName and functionName.indexOf(".#{methodName}") isnt functionName.length - methodName.length - 1
as = " [as #{methodName}]"
"#{tp}#{functionName}#{as} (#{fileLocation})"
"#{typeName}.#{methodName or '<anonymous>'} (#{fileLocation})"
else if isConstructor
"new #{functionName or '<anonymous>'} (#{fileLocation})"
else if functionName
"#{functionName} (#{fileLocation})"
getSourceMap = (filename, line, column) ->
# Skip files that we didnt compile, like Node system files that appear in
# the stack trace, as they never have source maps.
return null unless filename is '<anonymous>' or filename.slice(filename.lastIndexOf('.')) in FILE_EXTENSIONS
if filename isnt '<anonymous>' and sourceMaps[filename]?
return sourceMaps[filename][sourceMaps[filename].length - 1]
# CoffeeScript compiled in a browser or via `CoffeeScript.compile` or `.run`
# may get compiled with `options.filename` thats missing, which becomes
# `<anonymous>`; but the runtime might request the stack trace with the
# filename of the script file. See if we have a source map cached under
# `<anonymous>` that matches the error.
else if sourceMaps['<anonymous>']?
# Work backwards from the most recent anonymous source maps, until we find
# one that works. This isnt foolproof; there is a chance that multiple
# source maps will have line/column pairs that match. But we have no other
# way to match them. `frame.getFunction().toString()` doesnt always work,
# and its not foolproof either.
for map in sourceMaps['<anonymous>'] by -1
sourceLocation = map.sourceLocation [line - 1, column - 1]
return map if sourceLocation?[0]? and sourceLocation[1]?
# If all else fails, recompile this source to get a source map. We need the
# previous section (for `<anonymous>`) despite this option, because after it
# gets compiled we will still need to look it up from
# `sourceMaps['<anonymous>']` in order to find and return it. Thats why we
# start searching from the end in the previous block, because most of the
# time the source map we want is the last one.
if sources[filename]?
answer = compile sources[filename][sources[filename].length - 1],
filename: filename
sourceMap: yes
literate: helpers.isLiterate filename
# Based on [michaelficarra/CoffeeScriptRedux](http://goo.gl/ZTx1p)
# NodeJS / V8 have no support for transforming positions in stack traces using
# sourceMap, so we must monkey-patch Error to display CoffeeScript source
# positions.
Error.prepareStackTrace = (err, stack) ->
getSourceMapping = (filename, line, column) ->
sourceMap = getSourceMap filename, line, column
answer = sourceMap.sourceLocation [line - 1, column - 1] if sourceMap?
if answer? then [answer[0] + 1, answer[1] + 1] else null
frames = for frame in stack
break if frame.getFunction() is exports.run
" at #{formatSourcePosition frame, getSourceMapping}"
"#{err.toString()}\n#{frames.join '\n'}\n"
checkShebangLine = (file, input) ->
firstLine = input.split(/$/m)[0]
rest = firstLine?.match(/^#!\s*([^\s]+\s*)(.*)/)
args = rest?[2]?.split(/\s/).filter (s) -> s isnt ''
if args?.length > 1
console.error '''
The script to be run begins with a shebang line with more than one
argument. This script will fail on platforms such as Linux which only
allow a single argument.
console.error "The shebang line was: '#{firstLine}' in file '#{file}'"
console.error "The arguments were: #{JSON.stringify args}"