mirror of https://github.com/sharkdp/bat.git synced 2024-10-06 19:01:07 +01:00

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2020-10-04 06:46:03 +01:00
let s = "hello world"
let n : int = 87
let id x = x
let add x y = x + y
let add' x y =
 let left = x in
 let right = y in
 x + y
let add'' : int -> int -> int = fun x -> fun y -> x + y
let unwrap_option default opt =
 match opt with
 | None -> default
 | Some v -> v
let string_of_bool = function true -> "true" | false -> "false"
let is_a c =
 if c = 'a' then true
 else false
let _ = Printf.printf "%s" "hello"
let () = Printf.printf "%s\n" "world"
let x = ref 0
let _ = x := 1
type my_bool = True | False
type shape = Circle of float | Square of float | Rectangle of (float * float)
type user = {
 login : string;
 password : string;
type 'a my_ref = { mutable ref_value : 'a }
let (:=) r v = r.ref_value <- v
let (+) 2 2 = 5
exception Bad_value of string
let bad_value_error () = raise (Bad_value "your value is bad and you should feel bad")
let () =
 try bad_value_error ()
 with Bad_value _ -> ()
let () =
 try bad_value_error ()
 | Bad_value _ -> ()
 | Not_found -> ()
module type FOO = sig
 val foo : 'a -> 'a
module Foo : FOO = struct
 let foo x = x
let greeter = object
 val greeting = "Hello"
 method greet name = Printf.sprintf "%s, %s!" greeting name 
let greeting = greeter#greet "world"
class greeter_factory greeting_text = object (self)
 val greeting = greeting_text
 method greet name = Printf.sprintf "%s, %s!" greeting name
 initializer Printf.printf "Objects will greet the user with \"%s\"\n" greeting
let g = new greeter_factory "Hi"